pbrubaker / ispc-docker-windows

Docker container providing a Windows build environment for ISPC and LLVM.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

ISPC Windows Docker Build Environment (ver. 0.2.2)

Building the image

Make sure you have Docker Desktop installed, and that the container type is switched to Windows Containers.

Open a cmd or PowerShell terminal in the container directory.

Build command:

docker build -t ispc_windows:latest .

Add --no-cache before -t on the docker build command line to completely rebuild the image. If you wish to change any of the build arguments, specify them on the command line using --build-arg like this.

docker build --build-arg GITHUB_URL=https://github.com/ispc/ispc --build-arg LLVM_VERSION=17.0 -t ispc_windows:latest .

Available build time arguments, and their defualt values are:

GITHUB_URL = "https://github.com/ispc/ispc"
CONFIG = Release

Running the container

Run command:

docker run --storage-opt size=40G --cpus="16" --memory 32G --rm -v c:\temp\ispc:c:\ispc --name ispc_build -i ispc_windows:latest <command>

You must specify an empty directory for the -v or --volume command. The first directory c:\temp\ispc should be replaced with a directory on your local machine. This is where build artifacts are stored, and it is mapped to c:\ispc within the container.

Make sure to set the appropriate amount of --memory for the number of --cpus selected. Containers used in this fasion are temporary and the --rm flag instructs Docker to remove this container after running. The container --name can be whatever you want it to be.

<command> can be setup, build, clean or rebuild

The target and configuration can be overridden when calling docker run by specifying -e ISPC_CONFIG=<Release/Debug> and/or -e ISPC_TARGET=<ALL_BUILD/INSTALL/etc.> on the command line.

docker run --storage-opt size=40G --cpus="16" --memory 32G --rm -e ISPC_CONFIG=Debug -e ISPC_TARGET=ALL_BUILD -v c:\temp\ispc:c:\ispc --name ispc_build -i ispc_windows:latest <command>

Running the container in a shell interactively

Substitute -i with -it, comment out the default command, and swap the comments on entrypoint lines in the Dockerfile to open a PowerShell in the container. The following configuration will give you a shell to issue build commands.

#ENTRYPOINT ["C:\\BuildTools\\Common7\\Tools\\VsDevCmd.bat", "&&", "powershell.exe", "-NoLogo", "-ExecutionPolicy", "Bypass", "-File", "c:\\BuildTools\\command_script.ps1"]

ENTRYPOINT ["C:\\BuildTools\\Common7\\Tools\\VsDevCmd.bat", "&&", "powershell.exe", "-NoLogo", "-ExecutionPolicy", "Bypass"]

# the default command is setup which will initialize the envronment in the C:\\ispc volume.
#CMD ["setup"]

Executing build scripts in an interactive container

Generate Solution Files:

cmake -G "Visual Studio 17" -Thost=x64 -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX="$Env:ISPC_INSTALL_HOME" -H"$Env:ISPC_HOME" -B"$Env:ISPC_HOME\build"

Example of building the ALL_BUILD target with Debug configuration.

cmake --build c:\ispc\ispc\build --target ALL_BUILD --config Debug

Example of building INSTALL target with Release configuraiton.

cmake --build c:\ispc\ispc\build --target INSTALL --config Release


This container was developed to make it easier for contributors to get their environment setup, or to build ISPC with specific versions of LLVM.

Created by: Pete Brubaker <first.last at Intel> - Twitter: @pbrubaker

MIT License, see the LICENSE file in the repo folder.


Docker container providing a Windows build environment for ISPC and LLVM.



Language:Dockerfile 53.1%Language:PowerShell 46.9%