pbertera / hpa-demo

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

This application is designed to generate CPU and memory load on a container. Main purpose is to test and demostrate Kubernets resource requests and limits and pod autoscaler.


The application exposes the following API:

  • /api/loadtest/v1/healthz: health check, just answer with 200 OK
  • /api/loadtest/v1/mem/${SIZE}/${SECONDS}: starts allocating ${SIZE} MBytes of memory for ${SECONDS} seconds
  • /api/loadtest/v1/cpu/${CPUS}/${SECONDS}: spawn a number of child process using 100% oc CPU core for ${SECONDS} seconds. The number of processes is defined by ${CPUS}
  • /api/loadtest/v1/stats: provies a json with stats about the processes

Environments variables

  • START_CPU_PEAK_SEC: if defined and > 0 the application will start using one or more core for the defined amount of seconds from the start of the application
  • START_CPU_PEAK_CORES: the number of CPU core to use at the application startup


  • Start the loadtest app
$ oc new-app --name loadtest https://github.com/pbertera/hpa-demo/ --context-dir loadtest
  • Check the build logs
$ oc logs bc/loadtest -f
  • Once the build is completed, create the route
$ oc expose svc loadtest
  • Test the application:
$ oc get pods
$ ROUTE_URL="http://$(oc get route loadtest -o jsonpath='{.spec.host}')"
  • Health check:
$ curl -s ${ROUTE_URL}/api/loadtest/v1/healthz
  • Check the stats
$ curl -s $ROUTE_URL/api/loadtest/v1/stats | jq
  "cores": 4,
  "hostname": "loadtest-5c6b969b4d-jh98n",
  "processes": [
      "cpu": 0,
      "mem": 30.7421875,
      "pid": 1
  • Start 3 processes allocating 1 core of CPU for 60 seconds
$ curl -s $ROUTE_URL/api/loadtest/v1/cpu/3/60 | jq
  "message": "Allocated 3 cores for 60 seconds"

$ curl -s $ROUTE_URL/api/loadtest/v1/stats | jq
  "cores": 4,
  "hostname": "loadtest-5c6b969b4d-jh98n",
  "processes": [
      "cpu": 0,
      "mem": 31.31640625,
      "pid": 1
      "cpu": 95.8,
      "mem": 24.6796875,
      "pid": 29
      "cpu": 97.8,
      "mem": 24.6796875,
      "pid": 30
      "cpu": 89.7,
      "mem": 24.6796875,
      "pid": 31
  • Allocate 500MB of memory for 60 seconds
$ curl -s $ROUTE_URL/api/loadtest/v1/mem/500/60 | jq
  "message": "Allocated 500 Megabytes for 60 seconds"

$ curl -s $ROUTE_URL/api/loadtest/v1/stats | jq
  "cores": 4,
  "hostname": "loadtest-5c6b969b4d-jh98n",
  "processes": [
      "cpu": 0,
      "mem": 531.3515625,
      "pid": 1
  • Simulate 30 seconds startup spike of 2 CPU core:
$ oc set env deploy/loadtest START_CPU_PEAK_SEC=30 START_CPU_PEAK_CORES=2
$ curl -s $ROUTE_URL/api/loadtest/v1/stats | jq
  "cores": 4,
  "hostname": "loadtest-6755bcc8d9-xwrxj",
  "processes": [
      "cpu": 0,
      "mem": 30.6875,
      "pid": 1
      "cpu": 69.6,
      "mem": 24.39453125,
      "pid": 19
      "cpu": 89.5,
      "mem": 24.40625,
      "pid": 20

Script demo 1

  • Hands on on the HPA

On the main terminal:

Create a playground namespace

oc new-project hpa-demo

Start the loadtest app

oc new-app --name loadtest https://github.com/pbertera/hpa-demo/ --context-dir loadtest

Check the build logs

oc logs bc/loadtest -f

Once the build is completed, create the route

oc expose svc loadtest

Test the application:

oc get pods
ROUTE_URL="http://$(oc get route loadtest -o jsonpath='{.spec.host}')"
curl ${ROUTE_URL}/api/loadtest/v1/healthz

Set the resources on the application

oc set resources deployment loadtest --requests cpu=250m,memory=25Mi --limits cpu=1000m,memory=100Mi

Configure the HPA

oc autoscale deployment/loadtest --min 2 --max 10 --cpu-percent 50

Reduce the stabilizationWindowSeconds to speed-up the scaledown

oc edit hpa loadtest
      stabilizationWindowSeconds: 0

Keep the relevant resources monitored

watch oc get hpa,podmetrics,pods

On a different terminal: start Apache Bench

ROUTE_URL="http://$(oc get route loadtest -o jsonpath='{.spec.host}')"
podman pull registry.access.redhat.com/ubi8/httpd-24
podman run -it --rm --name ab -e ROUTE_URL=$ROUTE_URL httpd /bin/bash -c "ab -c 200 -n 20000 ${ROUTE_URL}/api/loadtest/v1/healthz"

Let the application scale-up and scale-down

Script demo 2

  • Confirm that requests are needed to make the HPA working with the Utilization threshold type

On the main terminal: remove the CPU resource requests

oc edit deployment loadtest

            cpu: "1"
            memory: 100Mi
            memory: 25Mi

Keep the relevant resources monitored

watch oc get hpa,podmetrics,pods

On a different terminal: start Apache Bench

podman run -it --rm --name ab -e ROUTE_URL=$ROUTE_URL httpd /bin/bash -c "ab -c 200 -n 20000 ${ROUTE_URL}/api/loadtest/v1/healthz"

The application should not scale-up

On the main terminal: change the threshold type to AverageValue

oc edit hpa loadtest

  - resource:
      name: cpu
        averageValue: 100m
        type: AverageValue

Keep the relevant resources monitored

watch oc get hpa,podmetrics,pods

On a different terminal: start Apache Bench

podman run -it --rm --name ab -e ROUTE_URL=$ROUTE_URL httpd /bin/bash -c "ab -c 200 -n 20000 ${ROUTE_URL}/api/loadtest/v1/healthz"

Let the application scale-up and scale-down

Script demo 3

  • Scale on memory

On the main terminal: change the resource type to memory

oc edit hpa loadtest

  - resource:
      name: memory
        averageUtilization: 50
        type: Utilization

Set the limit resources on the application to avoid OOM-Kill

oc set resources deployment loadtest --requests cpu=250m,memory=200Mi --limits cpu=1000m,memory=1000M

Keep the relevant resources monitored

watch oc get hpa,podmetrics,pods

On a different terminal: create meory load allocating 500MB for 4 minutes

curl -s $ROUTE_URL/api/loadtest/v1/mem/500/240

Let the application scale-up and scale-down

Script demo 4

  • Startup CPU spike

On the main terminal: change the resource type to cpu

oc edit hpa loadtest

  - resource:
      name: cpu
        averageUtilization: 50
        type: Utilization

Set the resources on the application to request 1/4 of CPU core

oc set resources deployment loadtest --requests cpu=250m,memory=200Mi --limits cpu=1,memory=1000Mi

Configure the application to generate a CPU peak using 1 core for 5 minutes

oc set env deploy/loadtest START_CPU_PEAK_SEC=300 START_CPU_PEAK_CORES=1


Remove the loadtest namespace

oc delete hpa-demo



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