pbelmann / kraken-demo

eMed Kraken Demo

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Docker-Kraken Demo

We want to use Kraken to analyze some FASTQ files from the Human Microbiome Project and use Krona to visualize the results. To makes the life easier we run ready-to-use dockerized versions of Kraken and Krona.


We assume that a bibigrid cluster ( master - 8 cores + 4 worker nodes - 16 cores each) with a configured GridEngine (GE) is already running. Please fetch this repository with

cd ~/
git clone https://github.com/pbelmann/kraken-demo.git

Hint: The cloud users homedir is not shared between master and host. Any outputs from GE jobs are stored in users homedir as default. It is often a good idea to change this default behavior. We could change the environment setting of the GridEngine or just use the -cwd (Currrent Working Directory) argument and change into a shared fs before

cd /vol/spool/log
qsub -cwd ...

start vms

Kraken Docker Image

BioContainers is an open source container framework for bioinformatic software. We search BioContainers registry for a suitable Kraken container and write a small shell script that downloads the container once on each compute host. We can use the GE to distribute the jobs on the cluster. The -pe option ensures, that we call the script only once on each host.

qsub -t 1-4 -pe multislot 16 -b y docker pull quay.io/biocontainers/kraken:1.0--pl5.22.0_0

This step seems to be unneccessary, because docker pulls a container if it isn't locally available. However, separate this step from rest of pipeline can speed up a analysis in the case you run more than one job in parallel on one host.

download kraken

Running Kraken containers on the cluster nodes

Download Kraken Database

download kraken

First we need to download the Kraken database to each of the hosts. For usage with Kraken the database must decompressed before usage. Both actions are implemented in a shell script named kraken_download_db.sh.

We again use the GridEngine to distribute the script on all slave hosts.

cd ~/kraken-demo
qsub -t 1-4 -pe multislot 16 kraken_download_db.sh

Run Kraken Analysis

kraken process

For the kraken analysis we have to use a shell script kraken_pipline.sh that should do the following :

  1. Download FASTQ file.

    • the object storage contains a set of fastq files.
    • Use wget to download them to local storage (/vol/scratch)
  2. Run Kraken.

  • FastQ files are compressed (tar.bz2) : --fastq-input
  • mount input data and database path into the container
  1. Create Kraken report.
cd ~/kraken-demo
SEQ_FILES=$(curl -s https://openstack.cebitec.uni-bielefeld.de:8080/swift/v1/eMed/ | grep tar.bz2 )
for SF in ${SEQ_FILES}; do 
	SRS_NR=$(echo $SF | cut -f 2 -d '/' | cut -f 1 -d '.' ); 
	qsub -pe multislot 16 kraken_pipeline.sh $SF $SRS_NR.report ; 

Generate Krona plot

We now use Krona to get a nice visualitation of our results. Again search for a suitable container containing the Krona software suite or build a Krona container by yourself, the hands-on repository contains a suitable Dockerfile.

Attention: Unfortuneatly the krona container offered by biocontainers.pro does not come with a preinstalled taxonomy database and the contained updateTaxonomy.sh script breaks because of a missing dependency (curl).


Build Krona container

cd ~/kraken-demo
docker build -t krona .

Merge all report files

Since all reports files located on a shared filesystem, Krona can be run directly on the master. We have to merge all kraken-reports ...

cd /vol/spool/kraken
for i in *.report.out; do cut -f2,3 $i > $i.krona; done

Run krona

cd /vol/spool/kraken
docker run -u 1000:1000 -v /vol/spool/kraken:/data krona ktImportTaxonomy *.krona -o krona.html

View the results


 sudo mv /vol/spool/kraken/krona.html* /var/www/html

You can use your browser to look at the Krona output.



eMed Kraken Demo

License:Apache License 2.0


Language:Shell 100.0%