pbardea / roachprod

Internal CockroachDB production testing tool

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


⚠️ roachprod is an internal tool for testing CockroachDB clusters. Use at your own risk! ⚠️


Make sure you have gcloud installed and configured (gcloud auth list to check, gcloud auth login to authenticate). You may want to update old installations (gcloud components update).

To build and install into $GOPATH/bin:

$ go get -u github.com/cockroachdb/roachprod


  • Clusters are created under the cockroach-ephemeral GCE project.
  • Anyone can connect to any port on VMs in cockroach-ephemeral. DO NOT STORE SENSITIVE DATA.
  • Cluster names are prefixed with the user creating them. For example, roachprod create test creates the marc-test cluster.
  • VMs have a default lifetime of 12 hours (changeable with the -l flag) and are deleted 6 hours after expiration.
  • Default settings create 4 VMs (-n 4) with 4 CPUs, 15GB memory (--machine-type=n1-standard-4), and local SSDs (--local-ssd).

Cluster quick-start using roachprod

# Create a cluster with 4 nodes and local SSD. The last node is used as a
# load generator for some tests. Note that the cluster name must always begin
# with your username.
export FULLNAME="${USER}-test"
roachprod create ${FULLNAME} -n 4 --local-ssd

# Add gcloud SSH key.
ssh-add ~/.ssh/google_compute_engine

# Stage scripts and binaries using crl-prod...
crl-stage-binaries ${FULLNAME} all scripts
crl-stage-binaries ${FULLNAME} all cockroach

# ...or using roachprod directly (e.g., for your locally-built binary).
roachprod put ${FULLNAME} cockroach

# Start a cluster.
roachprod start ${FULLNAME}

# Check the admin UI.

# Open a SQL connection to the first node.
cockroach sql --insecure --host=

# Extend lifetime by another 6 hours.
roachprod extend ${FULLNAME} --lifetime=6h

# Destroy the cluster.
roachprod destroy ${FULLNAME}

Command reference

Warning: this reference is incomplete. Be prepared to refer to the CLI help text and the source code.

Create a cluster

$ roachprod create foo
Creating cluster marc-foo with 3 nodes
marc-foo: 23h59m42s remaining
  marc-foo-0000   [marc-foo-0000.us-east1-b.cockroach-ephemeral]
  marc-foo-0001   [marc-foo-0001.us-east1-b.cockroach-ephemeral]
  marc-foo-0002   [marc-foo-0002.us-east1-b.cockroach-ephemeral]

Interact using crl-prod tools

roachprod populates hosts files in ~/.roachprod/hosts. These are used by crl-prod tools to map clusters to node addresses.

$ crl-ssh marc-foo all df -h /
1: marc-foo-0000.us-east1-b.cockroach-ephemeral
Filesystem      Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/sda1        49G  1.2G   48G   3% /

2: marc-foo-0001.us-east1-b.cockroach-ephemeral
Filesystem      Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/sda1        49G  1.2G   48G   3% /

3: marc-foo-0002.us-east1-b.cockroach-ephemeral
Filesystem      Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/sda1        49G  1.2G   48G   3% /

Interact using roachprod directly

# Add ssh-key
$ ssh-add ~/.ssh/google_compute_engine

$ roachprod status marc-foo
marc-foo: status 3/3
   1: not running
   2: not running
   3: not running

SSH into hosts

roachprod uses gcloud to sync the list of hostnames to ~/.ssh/config and set up keys.

$ ssh marc-foo-0000.us-east1-b.cockroach-ephemeral

List clusters

$ roachprod list
marc-foo: 23h58m27s remaining

Destroy cluster

$ roachprod destroy marc-foo
Destroying cluster marc-foo with 3 nodes

See roachprod help <command> for further details.

Future improvements

  • Bigger loadgen VM (last instance)

  • Ease the creation of test metadata and then running a series of tests using roachprod <cluster> test <dir1> <dir2> .... Perhaps something like roachprod prepare <test> <binary>.

  • Automatically detect stalled tests and restart tests upon unexpected failures. Detection of stalled tests could be done by noticing zero output for a period of time.

  • Detect crashed cockroach nodes.


Internal CockroachDB production testing tool

License:Apache License 2.0


Language:Go 100.0%