A ClojureScript DOM manipulation, templating and event library.
Add the following dependency to your project.clj
[prismatic/dommy "0.1.2"]
DOM nodes are selected using macros, which expand to the correct native dom calls. Because selectors don't wrap returned nodes, there is a distinction between single and multiple selections. A selector can be a keyword, string or vector.
(ns …
[dommy.utils :as utils]
[dommy.core :as dommy])
[dommy.macros :only [node sel sel1]]))
(sel1 :body) ; => document.body
(sel1 :#header) ; => document.getElementById("header")
(sel1 ".todo") ; => document.getElementsByClassName("todo")[0]
(sel [:#todos :li]) ; => document.querySelectorAll("#todos li")
Inspired by jQuery, but adapted to be functional in order to better fit with ClojureScript core.
(dommy/append! (sel1 :#todos) [:.todo "Eat some cake"])
(doseq [todo (sel :.todo)]
(dommy/add-class! todo :complete))
(map dommy/text (sel :.todo))
Functions that modify take the target dom node as their first argument, and return the same modified node, allowing the use of threading macros to accomplish jQuery-like chaining.
(-> (sel1 :#my-button)
(dommy/remove-attr! :disabled)
(dommy/add-class! :active)
(dommy/set-text! "Click me!"))
(->> (sel :.image)
(filter #(> (dommy/px % :width) 500))
(map #(dommy/add-class! % :big-image)))
Dom manipulation is defined in dommy.core and dommy.attrs.
Templating syntax is based on Hiccup, a great HTML library for Clojure. Instead of returning a string of html, dommy's node
macro returns a DOM node.
(ns …
(:require [dommy.core])
[dommy.macros :only [node]]))
(for [r (range 2)]
[:span.text (str "word" r)])]) ;; => [object HTMLElement]
;; Styles can be inlined as a map
{:color "#aaa"
:text-decoration "line-through"}}])
The deftemplate
macro is useful syntactic sugar for defining a function that returns a DOM node.
(ns …
(:require [dommy.core])
[dommy.macros :only [node deftemplate]]))
(defn simple-template [cat]
(node [:img {:src cat}]))
(deftemplate simple-template [cat]
[:img {:src cat}])
Thanks to @ibdknox, you can define view logic for custom types by implementing the PElement
(defrecord MyModel [data]
(-elem [this] (node [:p (str "My data " data)])))
(dommy/append! (sel1 :body) (MyModel. "is big"))
One caveat of using the compile-macro is that if you have a compound element (a vector element) and want to have a non-literal map as the attributes (the second element of the vector), then you need to use ^:attrs
meta-data so the compiler knows to process this symbol as a map of attributes in the runtime system. Here's an example:
(node [:a ^:attrs (merge m1 m2)])
Listening for events in dommy is pretty straightforward. listen!
takes a DOM node, a macro describing the event and the function to run in the case of that event being triggered.
(ns …
[dommy.core :as dommy])
[dommy.macros :only [sel1]]))
(defn clickEvent [event]
(.log js/console "You have clicked the button! Congratulations"))
(dommy/listen! (sel1 :#clickButton)
:click clickEvent)
For all pull requests, please ensure your tests pass (or add test cases) before submitting.
$ lein test
Copyright (C) 2013 Prismatic
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.