paytmmoney / pyPMClient

Paytm Money Client SDK in python

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

The Paytm Money Equity 1.1.3 API Python client

The official Python client for communicating with PaytmMoney Equity API.


PMClient is a set of REST-like APIs that expose many capabilities required to build a complete investment and trading platform. Execute orders in real time, manage user portfolio, stream live market data (WebSockets), and more, with the simple HTTP API collection.

PaytmMoney Technology Pvt Ltd (c) 2022. Licensed under the MIT License.

Api Documentation


Install Package

- User need to clone this repo and add it locally to their project.
- Python version 3.10.1 and
- install the packages
pip3 install -r requirements.txt

API Usage

from pyPMClient import PMClient
User needs to create an object of sdk and pass apiKey & apiSecretKey
# Initialize PMClient using apiKey and apiSecret.
pm = PMClient(api_secret="your_api_secret", api_key="your_api_key")
# Initialize PMClient using apiKey, apiSecret & jwt tokens if user has already generated.
pm = PMClient(api_secret="your_api_secret", api_key="your_api_key", access_token="access_token", public_access_token="public_access_token", read_access_token="read_access_token")
User can call the login method and get the login URL.
# state_key : Variable key which merchant/fintech company expects Paytm Money to return with Request Token. This can be string.
User manually executes a login url in the browser and fetches requestToken after validating username, password, OTP and passcode.
After a successful login user will be provided the request_token in the URL
Once the request_token is obtained you can generate access_token by calling generate_session
  1. User manually executes a login url in the browser and fetches requestToken after validating username, password, OTP and passcode.
  2. After a successful login user will be provided the request_token in the URL.
  3. Once the request_token is obtained you can generate access_token by calling generate_session.
After generating the access_token it will get set and any API can be called with same access_token.
To manually set the jwt tokens,

Place Order

  • Here you can place regular, cover and bracket order.
  • For cover order in argument user has to add trigger_price.
  • For bracket order in argument user has to add stoploss_value & profit_value.
# Regular Order
order = pm.place_order(txn_type, exchange, segment, product, security_id, quantity, validity, order_type, price, source, off_mkt_flag)
# Cover Order
order = pm.place_order(txn_type, exchange, segment, product, security_id, quantity, validity, order_type, price, source, trigger_price)
# Bracket Order
order = pm.place_order(txn_type, exchange, segment, product, security_id, quantity, validity, order_type, price, source, stoploss_value, profit_value)

Modify Order

  • Here you can modify orders.
  • For cover order in argument user has to add leg_no.
  • For bracket order in argument user has to add leg_no & algo_order_no.
# Regular Order
order = pm.modify_order(source, txn_type, exchange, segment, product, security_id, quantity, validity, order_type, price, mkt_type, order_no, serial_no, group_id)
# Cover Order
order = pm.modify_order(source, txn_type, exchange, segment, product, security_id, quantity, validity, order_type, price, mkt_type, order_no, serial_no, group_id, leg_no)
# Bracket Order
order = pm.modify_order(source, txn_type, exchange, segment, product, security_id, quantity, validity, order_type, price, mkt_type, order_no, serial_no, group_id, leg_no, algo_order_no)

Cancel Order

  • Here you can Cancel Orders.
  • For cover order in argument user has to add leg_no.
  • For bracket order in argument user has to add leg_no & algo_order_no.
# Regular Order
order = pm.cancel_order(source, txn_type, exchange, segment, product, security_id, quantity, validity, order_type, price, mkt_type, order_no, serial_no, group_id)
# Cover Order
order = pm.cancel_order(source, txn_type, exchange, segment, product, security_id, quantity, validity, order_type, price, mkt_type, order_no, serial_no, group_id, leg_no)
# Bracket Order
order = pm.cancel_order(source, txn_type, exchange, segment, product, security_id, quantity, validity, order_type, price, mkt_type, order_no, serial_no, group_id, leg_no, algo_order_no)

Convert Order

  • For converting orders.
# Regular Order
order = pm.convert_regular(source, txn_type, exchange, mkt_type, segment, product_from, product_to, quantity, security_id)

Order Details

  • Fetch details of all the order.

Trade Details

  • Fetch Trade Details.
pm.trade_details(order_no, leg_no, segment)


  • Get all the positions.

Position Details

  • Get position detail of specific stock.
pm.position_details(security_id, product, exchange)

Get Funds History

  • Get the funds history.

Scrip Margin

  • Calculate Scrip Margin.
pm.scrips_margin(source, margin_list=[

Order Margin

  • Calculate Order Margin.
pm.order_margin(source, exchange, segment, security_id, txn_type, quantity, price, product, trigger_price)

Holdings value

  • Get value of the holdings.

User Holdings Data

  • Get holdings data of User.

Security Master


User Details

  • Fetch user details.

Generate Tpin


Validate Tpin

pm.validate_tpin(trade_type, isin_list=[])


  • user can get the edis_request_id from the response of validate TPIN API.



Create GTT

  • To create a GTT order.
pm.create_gtt(segment, exchange, pml_id, security_id, product_type, set_price, transaction_type, order_type, trigger_type, quantity, trigger_price, limit_price)

Get All GTT

  • To get all GTT or get by pml_id or status.
pm.get_gtt_by_pml_id_and_status(status, pml_id)


  • To get GTT by Id.

Update GTT

  • To update GTT by Id.
pm.update_gtt(id, quantity, trigger_price, limit_price, set_price, transaction_type, order_type, trigger_type)

Delete GTT

  • To Delete GTT by Id.

Get Expiry

  • To get expiry of the GTT.

Get Aggregate

  • To get the aggregate of the GTTs.

Get GTT InstructionId

  • To GTT by InstructionId.

Create GTT V2

  • To create a GTT order.
  • Note : transaction_details is a list of dictionary(key-value pair).
  • Refer below sample requestBody
pm.create_gtt_v2(segment, exchange, security_id, product_type, set_price, transaction_type, trigger_type, transaction_details)
# Sample requestBody for OCO trigger_type
        segment = "E",
        exchange = "BSE",
        security_id = 500570,
        product_type = "C",
        set_price = "702.65",
        transaction_type = "S",
        trigger_type = "OCO",
        transaction_details = [
                "sub_type": "STOPLOSS",
                "trigger_price": "695.60",
                "order_type": "MKT",
                "limit_price": 0,
                "quantity": 1
                "sub_type": "TARGET",
                "trigger_price": "709.70",
                "order_type": "MKT",
                "limit_price": 0,
                "quantity": 1
# Sample requestBody for SINGLE trigger_type
    segment = "E",
    exchange = "BSE",
    security_id = 500570,
    product_type = "C",
    set_price = "709.35",
    transaction_type = "B",
    trigger_type = "SINGLE",
    transaction_details = [
            "trigger_price": "702.25",
            "order_type": "MKT",
            "limit_price": 0,
            "quantity": 1

Get All GTT V2

  • To get all GTT or get by pml_id or status.
pm.get_gtt_by_pml_id_and_status_v2(status, pml_id)

Get GTT V2

  • To get GTT by Id.

Update GTT V2

  • To update GTT by Id.
  • Note : transaction_details is a list of dictionary(key-value pair).
  • Refer below sample requestBody
pm.update_gtt_v2(id, set_price, transaction_type, trigger_type, transaction_details)
    set_price = "8.40",
    transaction_type = "S",
    trigger_type = "OCO",
    transaction_details = [
            "id": 218,               #For OCO only
            "sub_type": "STOPLOSS",  #For OCO only
            "quantity": "2",
            "trigger_price": "9.0",
            "limit_price": "15.0",
            "order_type": "LMT"    
            "id": 219,                #For OCO only
            "sub_type": "TARGET",   #For OCO only
            "quantity": "2",
            "trigger_price": "15.0",
            "limit_price": "20",
            "order_type": "LMT"   

Get GTT InstructionId V2

  • To GTT by InstructionId.

Get Live Price via API

  • To Get Live Price Data via API
pm.get_live_market_data("mode", preferences)

Get Option Chain

  • To Get Option Chain using type, symbol and expiry (in DD-MM-YYYY format)
pm.get_option_chain("type", "symbol", "expiry")

Get Option Chain Config

  • To Get Option Chain Config using symbol

Get All Orders

  • Get all orders without apiKey filter

Brokerage, Statutory & Regulatory Levies

  • Get Charges Info
pm.charges_info("brokerage_profile_code", "transaction_type", "product_type", "instrument_type", "exchange", qty, price)

WebSocket Usage

  • To use websocket client in your project, add below code in a python file -
from pmClient.WebSocketClient import WebSocketClient

webSocketClient = WebSocketClient("your_public_access_token") # pass your public access token here

customerPreferences = []

preference = {
    "actionType": 'ADD',  # 'ADD', 'REMOVE'
    "modeType": 'LTP',  # 'LTP', 'FULL', 'QUOTE'
    "scripType": 'INDEX',  # 'ETF', 'FUTURE', 'INDEX', 'OPTION', 'EQUITY'
    "exchangeType": 'NSE',  # 'BSE', 'NSE'
    "scripId": '13'

# create as many preferences as you like as shown above and append them in customerPreferences array


def on_open():
    # send preferences via websocket once connection is open

def on_close(code, reason):
    # this event gets triggered when connection is closed
    print(code, reason)

def on_error(error_message):
    # this event gets triggered when error occurs

def on_message(arr):
    # this event gets triggered when response is received


set below reconnect config if reconnect feature is desired
Set first param as true and second param, the no. of times retry to connect to server shall be made  
webSocketClient.set_reconnect_config(True, 5)

# this method is called to create a websocket connection with broadcast server

# To explicitly close websocket connection with server, call this method


Paytm Money Client SDK in python

License:MIT License


Language:Python 100.0%