pawelkw / AndroidQuickStart

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


#What is this? AndroidQuickStart is a template application equipped with libraries essential (in my personal opinion) for building modern Android apps. It comes pre-configured as an Android Studio project so that all you need to do is open the project and start working!


  • HoloEverywhere with ActionBarSherlock
  • Fully configured Android Studio project
  • Proguard config

#Library branches (lib_xyz) The git repository contains special lib_xyz branches which contain additional libraries that you can use. In order to use them all you need to do is merge the desired library branch with the master branch. For example:

    git merge lib_ormlite

Bam! You now have a fully configured ORM mapper in your project! It's just that simple and clean. Don't worry about conflicts. The repository is designed in such way that you should not get any, unless you've modified the core files.

#FAQ 1. I've build the ReleaseUnsigned artifact but i can't install the ouput APK on my device. I get the INSTALL_PARSE_FAILED_NO_CERTIFICATES error.

As the artifact name states - the APK is unsigned, meaning it can't be installed on a physical device unless signed beforehand. You can sign the APK manually using the debug keystore provided with the Android SDK (or use a real keystore if you have one). To do that you can use the following command:

    jarsigner -verbose -digestalg SHA1 -sigalg MD5withRSA -keystore [path_to_keystore] -storepass android -keypass android [path_to_apk] androiddebugkey

By default, under Linux, the debug.keystore for the SDK that comes with Android Studio is located under ~/.android/debug.keystore.



Language:Java 100.0%