paveltyk / url_shortener

This is a test task for MoneySmart company: URL shortener API as a Sinatra Web app.

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

URL Shortener API web Server (Ruby+Sinatra+AR)

This is a test task for MoneySmart company.

  1. Provide a simple web front which will take URL input and give back a shortened URL
  2. When user access the short URL it should be redirected to full URL
  3. Provide an API endpoint where you can query stats around a particular shortened URL. The stats must include as much information as you can get out of the user who visited the shortened URL. There is no right answer to this. Please use your best judgement of what are important attributes to capture for this type of web application
  4. Make small commits and make the commit messages descriptive so we can see your thought process
  5. Provide unit tests and integration tests
  6. User authentication is optional

Working example can be found here:

I've decided to go with a Sinatra Web app, cause the scope of work seems to be quite small and the speed of Sinatra behind Thin server should be sufficient to provide blazing fast response time.

Installation and first launch

If you are using RVM, I suggest to configure your working environment first: echo '2.4.1' > .ruby-version && echo 'url_shortener_api' > .ruby-gemset (Those files should be in your global gitignore).

  1. Run bundle to install dependencies
  2. Run rake db:setup to setup database (you may update database url in ./config.rb)
  3. Run shotgun to launch web server (Shotgun allows app reload between subsequent requests, and Rack web server interface)

To run tests:

  1. Setup database - rake db:setup RACK_ENV=test (only once)
  2. Run test - rspec

Usage manual

To shorten a URL, make a POST request to /api/v1/urls with {"longUrl": ""} payload. CURL example:

$ curl -d '{"longUrl": ""}'

To check the url shortener redirect, use browser or cURL:

$ curl -I
HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 0
X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff
Connection: keep-alive
Server: thin

To get shortened URL analytics, make a GET request to /api/v1/urls/:id/analytics. CURL example:

$ curl


This is a test task for MoneySmart company: URL shortener API as a Sinatra Web app.


Language:Ruby 100.0%