pavelsr / ru-linux-pkgs

List of available and installed packages in three popular Russian Linux distros

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

What is it ?

Dump of available and installed packages in three popular Russian Linux distros - Astra Linux, ALT Linux and RedOS

*-installed - packages installed by default in distro
*-available - packages available in repo

Tested distros

ALT Linux 10.0 «Autolycus»

Astra Linux orel-

RedOS MUROM-7.3.2

How did I get this txt output ?

ALT Linux -> rpm -qa (installed only)

Astra Linux -> dpkg-query -f '${binary:Package}\n' -W && apt-cache search . (after apt-get update)

RedOS -> yum list installed && yum list available (after yum check-update)

(first command is list of installed, second - available)

Total stat

Distro \ spec pkgs available pkgs installed
RedOS 36989 1945
Astra Linux 14623 1854
ALT Linux 1918


List of available and installed packages in three popular Russian Linux distros