paulz / UIDeviceIdentifier

UIDeviceHardware is a class which allows querying of the current users device, and returns a human formatted string.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


UIDeviceHardware is a class originally created in a gist by Jaybles. It allows querying of the current users device, and returns a human formatted string.

It is written as a class method, to allow use without direct instantiation.

⚠️ Note

I don't use this helper much anymore, so I'm not keeping up to date with device models. While I welcome Pull Requests to update the model, I'd recommend moving over to something more modern, like DeviceKit.


// "iPhone 5C (GSM)"
NSString *platformString = [UIDeviceHardware platformString];
// "iPhone 5C"
NSString *simpleString = [UIDeviceHardware platformStringSimple];


This class can be installed with Swift Package Manager, Cocoapods, or by directly copying the files into your source code.

Swift Package Manager

Add the package to your Package.swift file:

dependencies: [
    .package(url: "", .upToNextMajor(from: "1.7.0"))

Then import as follows:

// ObjC
@import UIDeviceIdentifier;
// Swift
import UIDeviceIdentifier


Add the cocoapod to your Podfile:

pod 'UIDeviceIdentifier', :git => ''

Import the file into your Objective-C file:

// ObjC
#import <UIDeviceIdentifier/UIDeviceHardware.h>

Copying the files

Copy UIDeviceHardware.{h/m} into your project. Then just import the header:

#import "UIDeviceHardware.h"


UIDeviceHardware is available under the MIT licence. See the LICENCE file for more info.


UIDeviceHardware is a class which allows querying of the current users device, and returns a human formatted string.

License:MIT License


Language:Objective-C 85.2%Language:Swift 9.0%Language:Ruby 5.8%