The aim of this project is to implement a generative neural network to turn doodles into fine artworks. This is done by implementing a Semantic Style Transfer. A much more in-depth discussion of this project can be found in pytorch-neural-doodle/docs
The original paper about the Semantic Style Transfer can be found at It is based on the Neural Patches algorithm which can be found at
This project is a research project created in fulfillment of requirements for the course "Advanced Machine Learning" at Heidelberg University in the summer semester 2018.
├─ data/
│ │ samples/ <- sample images
│ │ samples_small/ <- small sample images
│ └─ samples_tiny/ <- tiny sample images
├─ docs/ <- project documentation
├─ models/ <- pre-trained weights and frozen models
│ └─ vgg_19_imagenet/ <- pre-trained VGG 19 weights
├─ runs/ <- run configurations and saved checkpoints
│ └─ run_*/ created by src/
├─ src/
│ ├─ loss/ <- loss implementation
│ ├─ models/ <- model implementation
│ ├─ utils/ <- utility functions and classes
│ │ └─ common/
│ ├─ <- extract pre-trained VGG 19 weights
│ └─ <- generate a new image
├─ Makefile <- a Makefile to quickly generate new images
To get started, download the pre-trained VGG 19 weights and extract the file vgg_19.ckpt
to pytorch-neural-doodle/models/vgg_19_imagenet
. To extract the minimum weights and biases needed for this project, run the Python script
. The compatible file pytorch-neural-doodle/models/vgg_19_imagenet/vgg_19.minimum.pkl
will be created.
The Makefile in the root directory offers some commands with pre-set parameters.
The project was compiled using the following packages:
- Matplotlib 2.2.2 (Information)
- NumPy 1.14.5 (Information)
- PyTorch 0.4.0 (Information)
- scikit-image 0.14.0 )Information)
- Tensorflow GPU 1.9.0 (Information)
All Python code in this repository is available under the MIT license.