paultreny / Textual-Style-Tomorrow_Night_Eighties

A style for the Textual IRC client

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Textual Style Tomorrow Night Eighties


This is a style for the Textual IRC client. It is based on the Tomorrow and base16 colour themes of Chris Kempson and the default Simplified Style bundled with Textual as of version 4.1.4.

The main intention of this style is to emphasise important / interesting lines and move unimportant into the background without hiding information.

  1. Own messages are blue
  2. Notices, CTCPs, and Wallops are yellow
  3. Selected / focused user messages are orange
  4. Highlights are red
  5. Kicks, Kills, and mode changes are better visible than Joins, Quits, Parts, and other information fe. channel information displayed when joining



Install the files according to the Styles Documentation of Textual

cd ~/Library/Containers/com.codeux.irc.textual/Data/Library/Application\ Support/Textual\ IRC/Styles/
git clone Tomorrow\ Night\ Eighties

Then just open the Preferences of Textual (⌘,) go to Styles and select Tomorrow Night Eighties.

Color Variations


A style for the Textual IRC client
