Web application for searching the packages in $GOROOT/src/pkg and $GOPATH.
Gopkgsearch requires that the Go source code is available on the machine and that the GOROOT environment variable has been set.
See http://golang.org/doc/install/source#environment
Gopkgsearch can be fetched using 'go get':
go get github.com/paulsamways/gopkgsearch
When GoPkgSearch is launched without any parameters, the Go stdlib source files will indexed and the web application started.
Indexing of the source files in the GOPATH directories can be enabled by using the '-useGoPath' option.
./gopkgsearch [-usegopath=true]
After the GoPkgSearch server has finished indexing the source files and the web server has been started, open up a browser and navigate to the web application, by default http://localhost:8000.
Find all types or methods that contain the word 'join'.
Searching only in the utf8 package, find all types of methods that contain the word 'rune'.
Searching only in the http.Request type, find all methods that contain the word 'form'.