UPDATE UPDATE UPDATE This version of the project is no longer being updated. Please see the new version implemented in C++ instead.
This project implements a 64-bit virtual CPU called "Maize" on a library that enables the creation of virtual CPUs (called "Tortilla"). See the file Maize.txt for more details on the Maize CPU assembly language and the simple operating system that runs on it.
The near-term goal is to implement a set of devices to bridge from the virtual CPU environment to the host machine, create a "BIOS" layer above the virtual devices, implement a simple OS and a subset of Unix/Linux system calls (interrupt $80), and finally port a C/C++ compiler (likely Clang or GCC) that will generate Maize machine code.
Maize is currently implemented in .NET 5, which means it will run on Windows, Linux, and macOS. It also means it's slower than I'd like it to be, despite my attempts at squeezing as much performance out of .NET as I could.
To compile a Maize assembly file (like HelloWorld.asm), compile and run the mazm project, providing the path to the assembly file as the command-line parameter.
mazm /path/to/HelloWorld.asm
The above command will output HelloWorld.bin into the same path as HelloWorld.asm.
To run a Maize binary, compile and run the maize project, providing the path to the binary in the -img parameter:
maize -img /path/to/HelloWorld.bin
It's very early days for Maize, so don't expect too much in the way of application usability. So far, I've enabled a basic text-mode console for input and output. Next, I'll start creating a file-system device. In the future I plan to port Clang or GCC to work with Maize binaries so that I can eventually port Linux to the virtual CPU.
In the short term, I'm implementing a very basic OS over a simple BIOS (core.asm). It will provide a basic character-mode CLI to allow building and running simple Maize programs from within the virtual CPU environment.
I'll eventually port Maize to a much lower-level language, likely either C++ or Rust. I started out with .NET and C# because I wanted to play with .NET Core, and that bought me immediate multi-platform support and a lot fewer headaches for writing code quickly and for implementing devices.
Here is a simple "Hello, World!" application written in Maize assembly, targeting the basic OS I've written and the system calls it implements.
INCLUDE "core.asm"
INCLUDE "stdlib.asm"
; The CPU starts execution at segment $00000000, address $00001000,
; so we'll put our code there.
LABEL hw_start $00001000
; Entry point
; The AUTO parameter lets the assembler auto-calculate the address.
LABEL hw_string AUTO
LABEL hw_string_end AUTO
; Set stack pointer. The back-tick (`) is used as a number separator.
; Underscore (_) and comma (,) may also be used as separators.
LD $0000`2000 S.H0
; Set base pointer
LD S.H0 S.H1
; If you don't want to bother setting the stack and base pointers, they're
; already set to $FFFF`F000 by default, which should give you plenty of space.
; The basic ABI is for function arguments to be placed, from left to
; right, into the G, H, J, K, L, and M registers. Any additional parameters
; are pushed onto the stack.
; Get string length.
LD hw_string G ; Load the local pointer (current segment) to the string into G register
CALL stdlib_strlen ; Call stdlib function
LD A J ; Return value (string length) is in A. Copy this to J for the write call
; Write string
; The kernel also implements a subset of Linux syscalls.
; The syscall number is placed into the A register, and the first
; six syscall arguments are placed, from left to right, into the
; G, H, J, K, L, and M registers. Any remaining arguments are
; pushed onto the stack.
LD G H.H0 ; Load the local pointer (current segment) to the string into H.H0 register
CLR H.H1 ; We're running in segment zero
LD $01 A ; Load syscall opcode $01 (write) into A register
LD $01 G ; Load file descriptor $01 (STDOUT) into G register
INT $80 ; Call interrupt $80 to execute write syscall
; "Power down" the system, which actually means to exit the Maize CPU loop and return to the host OS.
LD $A9 A ; Load syscall opcode $A9 (169, sys_reboot) into A register
LD $4321FEDC J ; Load "magic" code for power down ($4321FEDC) into J register
INT $80
; This label points to the start of the string we want to output.
STRING "Hello, world!\0"
Numeric values are represented in Maize assembly and Maize documentation in binary, decimal, or hexadecimal formats. The % character precedes binary-encoded values, the # character precedes decimal-encoded values, and the $ character precedes hexadecimal-encoded values.
%00000001 binary value
#123 decimal value
$FFFE1000 hexadecimal value
The underscore, back-tick (`) and comma (,) characters may all be used as numeric separators in all encodings.
Instructions are variable-length encoded and may have zero, one, or two parameters. An instruction opcode is encoded as a single eight-bit byte defining the opcode and instruction flags, and each instruction parameter is defined in an additional byte per parameter. Immediate values are encoded following the opcode and parameter bytes in little-endian format (least-significant bytes are stored lower in memory).
When an instruction has two parameters, the first parameter is the source parameter, and the second parameter is the destination parameter.
Example: Load the value $01 into register A.
LD $01 A
Example: Encoding of "LD $FFCC4411 D", which loads the immediate value $FFCC4411 into register D. $41 is the opcode and flags for the instruction which loads an immediate value into a register. $02 is the parameter byte specifying a four-byte immediate value as the source parameter. $3E is the parameter byte specifying the 64-bit register D as the destination parameter. The bytes following the parameters bytes are the immediate value in little-endian format.
$41 $02 $3E $11 $44 $CC $FF
Immediate values may used as pointers into memory. This is represented in assembly by the '@' prefix in front of the immediate value.
Example: Load the 64-bit value at address $0000`1000 into register B.
LD @$0000`1000 B
Register values may be used as pointers into memory by adding a '@' prefix in front of the register name.
Example: Store the value $FF into the byte pointed at by the A.H0 register:
ST $01 @A.H0
Example: Load the quarter-word located at the address stored in D.H0 into sub-register Z.Q3:
LD @D.H0 Z.Q3
Registers are 64-bits wide (a "word") and are each divided into smaller sub-registers.
A General purpose
B General purpose
C General purpose
D General purpose
E General purpose
G General purpose
H General purpose
J General purpose
K General purpose
L General purpose
M General purpose
Z General purpose
FL Flag register
IN Instruction register
PC Program execution register
SP Stack register
Sub-registers are defined as half-word (H), quarter-word (Q), and byte (B) widths. The full 64-bit value of a register (for example, register A) may be coded as "A" or "A.W0". The register value may also be accessed as separate half-word (32-bit) values, coded as A.H1 (upper 32 bits) and A.H0 (lower 32-bits). The 16-bit quarter-words are similarly coded as A.Q3, A.Q2, A.Q1, and A.Q0. Finally, the individual byte values are coded as A.B7, A.B6, A.B5, A.B4, A.B3, A.B2, A.B1, and A.B0.
Shown graphically, the 64-bit value $FEDCBA9876543210 would be stored as follows:
FE DC BA 98 76 54 32 10
[Q3 ][Q2 ][Q1 ][Q0 ]
[H1 ][H0 ]
[W0 ]
In other words, if the following instruction were executed:
LD $FEDCBA9876543210 A
The value stored in register A could then be represented as follows:
A = $FEDCBA9876543210
A.W0 = $FEDCBA9876543210
A.H1 = $FEDCBA98
A.H0 = $76543210
A.Q3 = $FEDC
A.Q2 = $BA98
A.Q1 = $7654
A.Q0 = $3210
A.B7 = $FE
A.B6 = $DC
A.B5 = $BA
A.B4 = $98
A.B3 = $76
A.B2 = $54
A.B1 = $32
A.B0 = $10
There are four special-purpose registers.
FL Flags register, which contains a bit field of individual flags. Flags in FL.H1 may only
be set in privileged mode.
IN Instruction register, set by the instruction decoder as instructions and parameters are
read from memory. This register can only be set by the decoder.
PC Program execution register, which is the pointer to the next instruction to be decoded
and executed. This is further sub-divided into PC.H1, which is the current code segment,
and PC.H0, which is the effective program counter within the current segment. PC.H1 may
only be written to in privileged mode.
SP Stack register, which is the location within the current segment at which the stack
starts (growing downward in memory). This is further sub-divided into SP.H1, which is
the base pointer, and SP.H0, which is the current stack pointer.
(more coming on this)
The CPU starts in privileged mode, and the program counter is initially set to segment $00000000, address $00001000. When in privileged mode, the privilege flag is set, and instructions marked as privileged may be executed. When the privilege flag is cleared, instruction execution and memory access are limited to the current segment, and certain flags, registers, and instructions are inaccessible. Program execution may return to privileged mode via hardware interrupts or via software-generated (INT instruction) interrupts.
Opcodes are defined in an 8-bit byte separated into two flag bits and six opcode bits.
%BBxx`xxxx Flags bit field (bits 6 and 7)
%xxBB`BBBB Opcode bit field (bits 0 through 5)
When an instruction has a source parameter that may be either a register or an immediate value, then bit 6 is interpreted as follows:
%x0xx`xxxx source parameter is a register
%x1xx`xxxx source parameter is an immediate value
When an instruction's source parameter may be either a value or a pointer to a value, then bit 7 is interpreted as follows:
%0xxx`xxxx source parameter is a value
%1xxx`xxxx source parameter is a memory address
When bit 5 is set (%xx1x`xxxx), all eight bits are used to define the numeric opcode value.
Binary Hex Mnemonic Parameters Description
---------- --- -------- ---------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
%0000`0000 $00 HALT Halt the clock, thereby stopping execution (privileged)
%0000`0001 $01 LD reg reg Load source register value into destination register
%0100`0001 $41 LD imm reg Load immediate value into destination register
%1000`0001 $81 LD regAddr reg Load value at address in source register into destination register
%1100`0001 $C1 LD immAddr reg Load value at immediate address into destination register
%0000`0010 $02 ST reg regAddr Store source register value at address in second register
%0000`0011 $03 ADD reg reg Add source register value to destination register
%0100`0011 $43 ADD imm reg Add immediate value to destination register
%1000`0011 $83 ADD regAddr reg Add value at address in source register to destination register
%1100`0011 $C3 ADD immAddr reg Add value at immediate address to destination register
%0000`0100 $04 SUB reg reg Subtract source register value from destination register
%0100`0100 $44 SUB imm reg Subtract immediate value from destination register
%1010`0100 $84 SUB regAddr reg Subtract value at address in source register from destination register
%1110`0100 $C4 SUB immAddr reg Subtract value at immediate address from destination register
%0000`0101 $05 MUL reg reg Multiply destination register by source register value
%0100`0101 $45 MUL imm reg Multiply destination register by immediate value
%1000`0101 $85 MUL regAddr reg Multiply destination register by value at address in source register
%1100`0101 $C5 MUL immAddr reg Multiply destination register by value at immediate address
%0000`0110 $06 DIV reg reg Divide destination register by source register value
%0100`0110 $46 DIV imm reg Divide destination register by immediate value
%1000`0110 $86 DIV regAddr reg Divide destination register by value at address in source register
%1100`0110 $C6 DIV immAddr reg Divide destination register by value at immediate address
%0000`0111 $07 MOD reg reg Modulo destination register by source register value
%0100`0111 $47 MOD imm reg Modulo destination register by immediate value
%1000`0111 $87 MOD regAddr reg Modulo destination register by value at address in source register
%1100`0111 $C7 MOD immAddr reg Modulo destination register by value at immediate address
%0000`1000 $08 AND reg reg Bitwise AND destination register with source register value
%0100`1000 $48 AND imm reg Bitwise AND destination register with immediate value
%1000`1000 $88 AND regAddr reg Bitwise AND destination register with value at address in source register
%1100`1000 $C8 AND immAddr reg Bitwise AND destination register with value at immediate address
%0000`1001 $09 OR reg reg Bitwise OR destination register with source register value
%0100`1001 $49 OR imm reg Bitwise OR destination register with immediate value
%1000`1001 $89 OR regAddr reg Bitwise OR destination register with value at address in source register
%1100`1001 $C9 OR immAddr reg Bitwise OR destination register with value at immediate address
%0000`1010 $0A NOR reg reg Bitwise NOR destination register with source register value
%0100`1010 $4A NOR imm reg Bitwise NOR destination register with immediate value
%1000`1010 $8A NOR regAddr reg Bitwise NOR destination register with value at address in source register
%1100`1010 $CA NOR immAddr reg Bitwise NOR destination register with value at immediate address
%0000`1011 $0B NAND reg reg Bitwise NAND destination register with source register value
%0100`1011 $4B NAND imm reg Bitwise NAND destination register with immediate value
%1000`1011 $8B NAND regAddr reg Bitwise NAND destination register with value at address in source register
%1100`1011 $CB NAND immAddr reg Bitwise NAND destination register with value at immediate address
%0000`1100 $0C XOR reg reg Bitwise XOR destination register with source register value
%0100`1100 $4C XOR imm reg Bitwise XOR destination register with immediate value
%1000`1100 $8C XOR regAddr reg Bitwise XOR destination register with value at address in source register
%1100`1100 $CC XOR immAddr reg Bitwise XOR destination register with value at immediate address
%0000`1101 $0D SHL reg reg Shift value in destination register left by value in source register
%0100`1101 $4D SHL imm reg Shift value in destination register left by immediate value
%1000`1101 $8D SHL regAddr reg Shift value in destination register left by value at address in source register
%1100`1101 $CD SHL immAddr reg Shift value in destination register left by value at immediate address
%0000`1110 $0E SHR reg reg Shift value in destination register right by value in source register
%0100`1110 $4E SHR imm reg Shift value in destination register right by immediate value
%1000`1110 $8E SHR regAddr reg Shift value in destination register right by value at address in source register
%1100`1110 $CE SHR immAddr reg Shift value in destination register right by value at immediate address
%0000`1111 $0F CMP reg reg Set flags by subtracting source register value from destination register
%0100`1111 $4F CMP imm reg Set flags by subtracting immediate value from destination register
%1000`1111 $8F CMP regAddr reg Set flags by subtracting value at address in source register from destination register
%1100`1111 $CF CMP immAddr reg Set flags by subtracting value at immediate address from destination register
%0001`0000 $10 TEST reg reg Set flags by ANDing source register value with destination register
%0101`0000 $50 TEST imm reg Set flags by ANDing immediate value with destination register
%1001`0000 $90 TEST regAddr reg Set flags by ANDing value at address in source register with destination register
%1101`0000 $D0 TEST immAddr reg Set flags by ANDing value at immediate address with destination register
%0001`0001 $11 INC reg Increment register by 1.
%0001`0010 $12 DEC reg Decrement register by 1.
%0001`0011 $13 NOT reg Bitwise negate value in register, store result in register.
%0001`0100 $14 OUT reg imm Output value in source register to destination port
%0101`0100 $54 OUT imm imm Output immediate value to destination port
%1001`0100 $94 OUT regAddr imm Output value at address in source register to destination port
%1101`0100 $D4 OUT immAddr imm Output value at immediate address to destination port
%0001`0101 $15 LNGJMP reg Jump to segment and address in source register and continue execution (privileged)
%0101`0101 $55 LNGJMP imm Jump to immediate segment and address and continue execution (privileged)
%1001`0101 $95 LNGJMP regAddr Jump to segment and address pointed to by source register and continue execution (privileged)
%1101`0101 $D5 LNGJMP immAddr Jump to segment and address pointed to by immediate value and continue execution (privileged)
%0001`0110 $16 JMP reg Jump to address in source register and continue execution
%0101`0110 $56 JMP imm Jump to immediate address and continue execution
%1001`0110 $96 JMP regAddr Jump to address pointed to by source register and continue execution
%1101`0110 $D6 JMP immAddr Jump to address pointed to by immediate value and continue execution
%0001`0111 $17 JZ reg If Zero flag is set, jump to address in source register and continue execution
%0101`0111 $57 JZ imm If Zero flag is set, jump to immediate address and continue execution
%1001`0111 $97 JZ regAddr If Zero flag is set, jump to address pointed to by source register and continue execution
%1101`0111 $D7 JZ immAddr If Zero flag is set, jump to address pointed to by immediate value and continue execution
%0001`1000 $18 JNZ reg If Zero flag is not set, jump to address in source register and continue execution
%0101`1000 $58 JNZ imm If Zero flag is not set, jump to immediate address and continue execution
%1001`1000 $98 JNZ regAddr If Zero flag is not set, jump to address pointed to by source register and continue execution
%1101`1000 $D8 JNZ immAddr If Zero flag is not set, jump to address pointed to by immediate value and continue execution
%0001`1001 $19 JLT reg If Negative flag is not equal to Overflow flag, jump to address in source register and continue execution
%0101`1001 $59 JLT imm If Negative flag is not equal to Overflow flag, jump to immediate address and continue execution
%1001`1001 $99 JLT regAddr If Negative flag is not equal to Overflow flag, jump to address pointed to by source register and continue execution
%1101`1001 $D9 JLT immAddr If Negative flag is not equal to Overflow flag, jump to address pointed to by immediate value and continue execution
%0001`1010 $1A JB reg If Carry flag is set, jump to address in source register and continue execution
%0101`1010 $5A JB imm If Carry flag is set, jump to immediate address and continue execution
%1001`1010 $9A JB regAddr If Carry flag is set, jump to address pointed to by source register and continue execution
%1101`1010 $DA JB immAddr If Carry flag is set, jump to address pointed to by immediate value and continue execution
%0001`1011 $1B JGT reg If Zero flag is clear and Negative flag is not equal to Overflow flag, jump to address in source register and continue execution
%0101`1011 $5B JGT imm If Zero flag is clear and Negative flag is not equal to Overflow flag, jump to immediate address and continue execution
%1001`1011 $9B JGT regAddr If Zero flag is clear and Negative flag is not equal to Overflow flag, jump to address pointed to by source register and continue execution
%1101`1011 $DB JGT immAddr If Zero flag is clear and Negative flag is not equal to Overflow flag, jump to address pointed to by immediate value and continue execution
%0001`1100 $1C JA reg If Carry flag is clear and Zero flag is clear, jump to address in source register and continue execution
%0101`1100 $5C JA imm If Carry flag is clear and Zero flag is clear, jump to immediate address and continue execution
%1001`1100 $9C JA regAddr If Carry flag is clear and Zero flag is clear, jump to address pointed to by source register and continue execution
%1101`1100 $DC JA immAddr If Carry flag is clear and Zero flag is clear, jump to address pointed to by immediate value and continue execution
%0001`1101 $1D CALL reg Push PC.H0 to stack, jump to address in source register and continue execution until RET is executed
%0101`1101 $5D CALL imm Push PC.H0 to stack, jump to immediate address and continue execution until RET is executed
%1001`1101 $9D CALL regAddr Push PC.H0 to stack, jump to address pointed to by source register and continue execution until RET is executed
%1101`1101 $DD CALL immAddr Push PC.H0 to stack, jump to address pointed to by immediate value and continue execution until RET is executed
%0001`1110 $1E OUTR reg reg Output value in source register to port in destination register
%0101`1110 $5E OUTR imm reg Output immediate value to port in destination register
%1001`1110 $9E OUTR regAddr reg Output value at address in source register to port in destination register
%1101`1110 $DE OUTR immAddr reg Output value at immediate address to port in destination register
%0001`1111 $1F IN reg reg Read value from port in source register into destination register
%0101`1111 $5F IN imm reg Read value from port in immediate value into destination register
%1001`1111 $9F IN regAddr reg Read value from port at address in source register into destination register
%1101`1111 $DF IN immAddr reg Read value from port at immediate address into destination register
%0010`0000 $20 PUSH reg Copy register value into memory at location in S.H0, decrement S.H0 by size of register
%0110`0000 $60 PUSH imm Copy immediate value into memory at location in S.H0, decrement S.H0 by size of immediate value
%0010`0010 $22 CLR reg Set register to zero (0).
%0010`0001 $23 CMPIND reg regAddr Set flags by subtracting source register value from value at address in destination register
%0110`0001 $63 CMPIND imm regAddr Set flags by subtracting immediate value from value at address in destination register
%0010`0100 $24 INT reg Push FL and PC to stack and generate a software interrupt at index stored in register (privileged)
%0110`0100 $64 INT imm Push FL and PC to stack and generate a software interrupt using immediate index (privileged)
%0010`0101 $25 TSTIND reg regAddr Set flags by ANDing source register value with value at address in destination register
%0110`0101 $65 TSTIND imm regAddr Set flags by ANDing immediate value with value at address in destination register
%0010`0110 $26 POP reg Increment SP.H0 by size of register, copy value at SP.H0 into register
%0010`0111 $27 RET Pop PC.H0 from stack and continue execution at that address. Used to return from CALL.
%0010`1000 $28 IRET Pop FL and PC from stack and continue execution at segment/address in PC. Used to return from interrupt (privileged).
%0010`1001 $29 SETINT Set the Interrupt flag, thereby enabling hardware interrupts (privileged)
%0011`0000 $30 CLRINT Clear the Interrupt flag, thereby disabling hardware interrupts (privileged)
%0011`0001 $31 SETCRY Set the Carry flag
%0011`0010 $32 CLRCRY Clear the Carry flag
%1010`1010 $AA NOP No operation. Used as an instruction placeholder.
%1111`1111 $FF BRK Trigger a debug break (INT 3)
%0000xxxx $0 A register
%0001xxxx $1 B register
%0010xxxx $2 C register
%0011xxxx $3 D register
%0100xxxx $4 E register
%0101xxxx $5 G register
%0110xxxx $6 H register
%0111xxxx $7 J register
%1000xxxx $8 K register
%1001xxxx $9 L register
%1010xxxx $A M register
%1011xxxx $B Z register
%1100xxxx $C FL register
%1101xxxx $D IN register
%1110xxxx $E PC register
%1111xxxx $F SP register
%xxxx0000 $0 X.B0 (1-byte data)
%xxxx0001 $1 X.B1 (1-byte data)
%xxxx0010 $2 X.B2 (1-byte data)
%xxxx0011 $3 X.B3 (1-byte data)
%xxxx0100 $4 X.B4 (1-byte data)
%xxxx0101 $5 X.B5 (1-byte data)
%xxxx0110 $6 X.B6 (1-byte data)
%xxxx0111 $7 X.B7 (1-byte data)
%xxxx1000 $8 X.Q0 (2-byte data)
%xxxx1001 $9 X.Q1 (2-byte data)
%xxxx1010 $A X.Q2 (2-byte data)
%xxxx1011 $B X.Q3 (2-byte data)
%xxxx1100 $C X.H0 (4-byte data)
%xxxx1101 $D X.H1 (4-byte data)
%xxxx1110 $E X (8-byte data)
%xxxx`x000 $00 instruction reads 1 byte immediate (8 bits)
%xxxx`x001 $01 instruction reads 2-byte immediate (16 bits)
%xxxx`x010 $02 instruction reads 4-byte immediate (32 bits)
%xxxx`x011 $03 instruction reads 8-byte immediate (64 bits)
%xxxx`0xxx Read immediate value as operand
%xxxx`1xxx Perform math operation with value (not implemented yet)
%xxxx`x000 instruction reads 1 byte immediate (8 bits)
%xxxx`x001 instruction reads 2-byte immediate (16 bits)
%xxxx`x010 instruction reads 4-byte immediate (32 bits)
%xxxx`x011 instruction reads 8-byte immediate (64 bits)
%0000`xxxx ADD immediate to previous operand
%0001`xxxx SUB immediate from previous operand
%0010`xxxx MUL previous operand by immediate
%0011`xxxx DIV previous operand by immediate
%0100`xxxx AND previous operand with immediate
%0101`xxxx OR previous operand with immediate
%0110`xxxx XOR previous operand with immediate
%0111`xxxx NOR previous operand with immediate
%1000`xxxx NAND previous operand with immediate
%1001`xxxx SHL previous operand by immediate
%1010`xxxx SHR previous operand by immediate
%1011`xxxx reserved
%1100`xxxx reserved
%1101`xxxx reserved
%1110`xxxx reserved
%1111`xxxx reserved
BIOS calls will track as closely as possible to the "standard" BIOS routines found on typical x86 PCs. The x86 registers used in BIOS calls will map to Maize registers as follows:
AX -> A.Q0
AL -> A.B0
AH -> A.B1
BX -> A.Q1
BL -> A.B2
BH -> A.B3
CX -> A.Q2
CL -> A.B4
CH -> A.B5
DX -> A.Q3
DL -> A.B6
DH -> A.B7
The first six arguments to OS-level routines will be placed, from left to right, into the G, H, J, K, L, and M registers. Any remaining arguments will be pushed onto the stack. For example:
; Call C function "void random_os_function(int32_t a, const char *b, size_t c, int32_t* d)"
LD $0000`1234 G ; int32_t a
LD A.H0 H ; const char* b, assuming the pointer is in A.H0
LD $0000`00FF J ; size_t c
LD B.H1 K ; int32_t* d, assuming the pointer is in B.H1
CALL random_os_function
The called routine will preserve B, C, D, E, Z, and SP. Any other registers may not be preserved. Return values will placed into the A register. For example:
; Implement C function "int add(int a, int b)"
For syscalls, the same standard will be followed for syscall parameters. The syscall number will be placed into the A register prior to calling the interrupt.
; Output a string using sys_write
LD $01 A ; syscall 1 = sys_write
LD $01 G ; file descriptor 1 (STDOUT) in register G
LD hello_world H.H0 ; string address in register H
LD hello_world_end J
SUB hello_world J ; string length in register J
INT $80 ; call sys_write
User applications should follow this convention where reasonable to do so.
(This section is incomplete and a bit of a work in progress. Refer to HelloWorld.asm, stdlib.asm, and core.asm for practical examples.)
Tokens with leading double-underscore (e.g., __foo) are reserved.
%00000001 binary
#123 decimal
$FFFE1000 hexadecimal
Other syntax, to be described more fully later:
LABEL labelName labelData | AUTO
DATA dataValue [dataValue] [dataValue] [...]
STRING "stringvalue"
ADDRESS address | labelName
Binary Hex Mnemonic Parameters Description
---------- --- -------- ---------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
%0000`0000 $00 HALT Halt the clock, thereby stopping execution (privileged)
%0000`0001 $01 LD reg reg Load source register value into destination register
%0000`0010 $02 ST reg regAddr Store source register value at address in second register
%0000`0011 $03 ADD reg reg Add source register value to destination register
%0000`0100 $04 SUB reg reg Subtract source register value from destination register
%0000`0101 $05 MUL reg reg Multiply destination register by source register value
%0000`0110 $06 DIV reg reg Divide destination register by source register value
%0000`0111 $07 MOD reg reg Modulo destination register by source register value
%0000`1000 $08 AND reg reg Bitwise AND destination register with source register value
%0000`1001 $09 OR reg reg Bitwise OR destination register with source register value
%0000`1010 $0A NOR reg reg Bitwise NOR destination register with source register value
%0000`1011 $0B NAND reg reg Bitwise NAND destination register with source register value
%0000`1100 $0C XOR reg reg Bitwise XOR destination register with source register value
%0000`1101 $0D SHL reg reg Shift value in destination register left by value in source register
%0000`1110 $0E SHR reg reg Shift value in destination register right by value in source register
%0000`1111 $0F CMP reg reg Set flags by subtracting source register value from destination register
%0001`0000 $10 TEST reg reg Set flags by ANDing source register value with destination register
%0001`0001 $11 INC reg Increment register by 1.
%0001`0010 $12 DEC reg Decrement register by 1.
%0001`0011 $13 NOT reg Bitwise negate value in register, store result in register.
%0001`0100 $14 OUT reg imm Output value in source register to destination port
%0001`0101 $15 LNGJMP reg Jump to segment and address in source register and continue execution (privileged)
%0001`0110 $16 JMP reg Jump to address in source register and continue execution
%0001`0111 $17 JZ reg If Zero flag is set, jump to address in source register and continue execution
%0001`1000 $18 JNZ reg If Zero flag is not set, jump to address in source register and continue execution
%0001`1001 $19 JLT reg If Negative flag is not equal to Overflow flag, jump to address in source register and continue execution
%0001`1010 $1A JB reg If Carry flag is set, jump to address in source register and continue execution
%0001`1011 $1B JGT reg If Zero flag is clear and Negative flag is not equal to Overflow flag, jump to address in source register and continue execution
%0001`1100 $1C JA reg If Carry flag is clear and Zero flag is clear, jump to address in source register and continue execution
%0001`1101 $1D CALL reg Push PC.H0 to stack, jump to address in source register and continue execution until RET is executed
%0001`1110 $1E OUTR reg reg Output value in source register to port in destination register
%0001`1111 $1F IN reg reg Read value from port in source register into destination register
%0010`0000 $20 PUSH reg Copy register value into memory at location in S.H0, decrement S.H0 by size of register
%0010`0001 $21 reserved
%0010`0010 $22 CLR reg Set register to zero (0).
%0010`0011 $23 CMPIND reg regAddr Set flags by subtracting source register value from value at address in destination register
%0010`0100 $24 INT reg Push FL and PC to stack and generate a software interrupt at index stored in register (privileged)
%0010`0101 $25 TSTIND reg regAddr Set flags by ANDing source register value with value at address in destination register
%0010`0110 $26 POP reg Increment SP.H0 by size of register, copy value at SP.H0 into register
%0010`0111 $27 RET Pop PC.H0 from stack and continue execution at that address. Used to return from CALL.
%0010`1000 $28 IRET Pop FL and PC from stack and continue execution at segment/address in PC. Used to return from interrupt (privileged).
%0010`1001 $29 SETINT Set the Interrupt flag, thereby enabling hardware interrupts (privileged)
%0010`1010 $2A reserved
%0010`1011 $2B reserved
%0010`1100 $2C reserved
%0010`1101 $2D reserved
%0010`1110 $2E reserved
%0010`1111 $2F reserved
%0011`0000 $30 CLRINT Clear the Interrupt flag, thereby disabling hardware interrupts (privileged)
%0011`0001 $31 SETCRY Set the Carry flag
%0011`0010 $32 CLRCRY Clear the Carry flag
%0011`0011 $33 reserved
%0011`0100 $34 reserved
%0011`0101 $35 reserved
%0011`0110 $36 reserved
%0011`0111 $37 reserved
%0011`1000 $38 reserved
%0011`1001 $39 reserved
%0011`1010 $3A reserved
%0011`1011 $3B reserved
%0011`1100 $3C reserved
%0011`1101 $3E reserved
%0011`1110 $3E reserved
%0011`1111 $3F reserved
%0100`0000 $40 reserved
%0100`0001 $41 LD imm reg Load immediate value into destination register
%0100`0010 $42 reserved
%0100`0011 $43 ADD imm reg Add immediate value to destination register
%0100`0100 $44 SUB imm reg Subtract immediate value from destination register
%0100`0101 $45 MUL imm reg Multiply destination register by immediate value
%0100`0110 $46 DIV imm reg Divide destination register by immediate value
%0100`0111 $47 MOD imm reg Modulo destination register by immediate value
%0100`1000 $48 AND imm reg Bitwise AND destination register with immediate value
%0100`1001 $49 OR imm reg Bitwise OR destination register with immediate value
%0100`1010 $4A NOR imm reg Bitwise NOR destination register with immediate value
%0100`1011 $4B NAND imm reg Bitwise NAND destination register with immediate value
%0100`1100 $4C XOR imm reg Bitwise XOR destination register with immediate value
%0100`1101 $4D SHL imm reg Shift value in destination register left by immediate value
%0100`1110 $4E SHR imm reg Shift value in destination register right by immediate value
%0100`1111 $4F CMP imm reg Set flags by subtracting immediate value from destination register
%0101`0000 $50 TEST imm reg Set flags by ANDing immediate value with destination register
%0101`0001 $51 reserved
%0101`0010 $52 reserved
%0101`0011 $53 reserved
%0101`0100 $54 OUT imm imm Output immediate value to destination port
%0101`0101 $55 LNGJMP imm Jump to immediate segment and address and continue execution (privileged)
%0101`0110 $56 JMP imm Jump to immediate address and continue execution
%0101`0111 $57 JZ imm If Zero flag is set, jump to immediate address and continue execution
%0101`1000 $58 JNZ imm If Zero flag is not set, jump to immediate address and continue execution
%0101`1001 $59 JLT imm If Negative flag is not equal to Overflow flag, jump to immediate address and continue execution
%0101`1010 $5A JB imm If Carry flag is set, jump to immediate address and continue execution
%0101`1011 $5B JGT imm If Zero flag is clear and Negative flag is not equal to Overflow flag, jump to immediate address and continue execution
%0101`1100 $5C JA imm If Carry flag is clear and Zero flag is clear, jump to immediate address and continue execution
%0101`1101 $5D CALL imm Push PC.H0 to stack, jump to immediate address and continue execution until RET is executed
%0101`1110 $5E OUTR imm reg Output immediate value to port in destination register
%0101`1111 $5F IN imm reg Read value from port in immediate value into destination register
%0110`0000 $60 PUSH imm Copy immediate value into memory at location in S.H0, decrement S.H0 by size of immediate value
%0110`0001 $61 reserved
%0110`0010 $62 reserved
%0110`0011 $63 CMPIND imm regAddr Set flags by subtracting immediate value from value at address in destination register
%0110`0100 $64 INT imm Push FL and PC to stack and generate a software interrupt using immediate index (privileged)
%0110`0101 $65 TSTIND imm regAddr Set flags by ANDing immediate value with value at address in destination register
%0110`0110 $66 reserved
%0110`0111 $67 reserved
%0110`1000 $68 reserved
%0110`1001 $69 reserved
%0110`1010 $6A reserved
%0110`1011 $6B reserved
%0110`1100 $6C reserved
%0110`1101 $6D reserved
%0110`1110 $6E reserved
%0110`1111 $6F reserved
%0111`0000 $70 reserved
%0111`0001 $71 reserved
%0111`0010 $72 reserved
%0111`0011 $73 reserved
%0111`0100 $74 reserved
%0111`0101 $75 reserved
%0111`0110 $76 reserved
%0111`0111 $77 reserved
%0111`1000 $78 reserved
%0111`1001 $79 reserved
%0111`1010 $7A reserved
%0111`1011 $7B reserved
%0111`1100 $7C reserved
%0111`1101 $7D reserved
%0111`1110 $7E reserved
%0111`1111 $7F reserved
%1000`0000 $80 reserved
%1000`0001 $81 LD regAddr reg Load value at address in source register into destination register
%1000`0010 $82 reserved
%1000`0011 $83 ADD regAddr reg Add value at address in source register to destination register
%1010`0100 $84 SUB regAddr reg Subtract value at address in source register from destination register
%1000`0101 $85 MUL regAddr reg Multiply destination register by value at address in source register
%1000`0110 $86 DIV regAddr reg Divide destination register by value at address in source register
%1000`0111 $87 MOD regAddr reg Modulo destination register by value at address in source register
%1000`1000 $88 AND regAddr reg Bitwise AND destination register with value at address in source register
%1000`1001 $89 OR regAddr reg Bitwise OR destination register with value at address in source register
%1000`1010 $8A NOR regAddr reg Bitwise NOR destination register with value at address in source register
%1000`1011 $8B NAND regAddr reg Bitwise NAND destination register with value at address in source register
%1000`1100 $8C XOR regAddr reg Bitwise XOR destination register with value at address in source register
%1000`1101 $8D SHL regAddr reg Shift value in destination register left by value at address in source register
%1000`1110 $8E SHR regAddr reg Shift value in destination register right by value at address in source register
%1000`1111 $8F CMP regAddr reg Set flags by subtracting value at address in source register from destination register
%1001`0000 $90 TEST regAddr reg Set flags by ANDing value at address in source register with destination register
%1001`0001 $91 reserved
%1001`0010 $92 reserved
%1001`0011 $93 reserved
%1001`0100 $94 OUT regAddr imm Output value at address in source register to destination port
%1001`0101 $95 LNGJMP regAddr Jump to segment and address pointed to by source register and continue execution (privileged)
%1001`0110 $96 JMP regAddr Jump to address pointed to by source register and continue execution
%1001`0111 $97 JZ regAddr If Zero flag is set, jump to address pointed to by source register and continue execution
%1001`1000 $98 JNZ regAddr If Zero flag is not set, jump to address pointed to by source register and continue execution
%1001`1001 $99 JLT regAddr If Negative flag is not equal to Overflow flag, jump to address pointed to by source register and continue execution
%1001`1010 $9A JB regAddr If Carry flag is set, jump to address pointed to by source register and continue execution
%1001`1011 $9B JGT regAddr If Zero flag is clear and Negative flag is not equal to Overflow flag, jump to address pointed to by source register and continue execution
%1001`1100 $9C JA regAddr If Carry flag is clear and Zero flag is clear, jump to address pointed to by source register and continue execution
%1001`1101 $9D CALL regAddr Push PC.H0 to stack, jump to address pointed to by source register and continue execution until RET is executed
%1001`1110 $9E OUTR regAddr reg Output value at address in source register to port in destination register
%1001`1111 $9F IN regAddr reg Read value from port at address in source register into destination register
%1010`0000 $A0 reserved
%1010`0001 $A1 reserved
%1010`0010 $A2 reserved
%1010`0011 $A3 reserved
%1010`0100 $A4 reserved
%1010`0101 $A5 reserved
%1010`0110 $A6 reserved
%1010`0111 $A7 reserved
%1010`1000 $A8 reserved
%1010`1001 $A9 reserved
%1010`1010 $AA NOP No operation. Used as an instruction placeholder.
%1010`1011 $AB reserved
%1010`1100 $AC reserved
%1010`1101 $AD reserved
%1010`1110 $AE reserved
%1010`1111 $AF reserved
%1011`0000 $B0 reserved
%1011`0001 $B1 reserved
%1011`0010 $B2 reserved
%1011`0011 $B3 reserved
%1011`0100 $B4 reserved
%1011`0101 $B5 reserved
%1011`0110 $B6 reserved
%1011`0111 $B7 reserved
%1011`1000 $B8 reserved
%1011`1001 $B9 reserved
%1011`1010 $BA reserved
%1011`1011 $BB reserved
%1011`1100 $BC reserved
%1011`1101 $BD reserved
%1011`1110 $BE reserved
%1011`1111 $BF reserved
%1100`0001 $C1 LD immAddr reg Load value at immediate address into destination register
%1100`0010 $C2 reserved
%1100`0011 $C3 ADD immAddr reg Add value at immediate address to destination register
%1110`0100 $C4 SUB immAddr reg Subtract value at immediate address from destination register
%1100`0101 $C5 MUL immAddr reg Multiply destination register by value at immediate address
%1100`0110 $C6 DIV immAddr reg Divide destination register by value at immediate address
%1100`0111 $C7 MOD immAddr reg Modulo destination register by value at immediate address
%1100`1000 $C8 AND immAddr reg Bitwise AND destination register with value at immediate address
%1100`1001 $C9 OR immAddr reg Bitwise OR destination register with value at immediate address
%1100`1010 $CA NOR immAddr reg Bitwise NOR destination register with value at immediate address
%1100`1011 $CB NAND immAddr reg Bitwise NAND destination register with value at immediate address
%1100`1100 $CC XOR immAddr reg Bitwise XOR destination register with value at immediate address
%1100`1101 $CD SHL immAddr reg Shift value in destination register left by value at immediate address
%1100`1110 $CE SHR immAddr reg Shift value in destination register right by value at immediate address
%1100`1111 $CF CMP immAddr reg Set flags by subtracting value at immediate address from destination register
%1101`0000 $D0 TEST immAddr reg Set flags by ANDing value at immediate address with destination register
%1101`0001 $D1 reserved
%1101`0010 $D2 reserved
%1101`0011 $D3 reserved
%1101`0100 $D4 OUT immAddr imm Output value at immediate address to destination port
%1101`0101 $D5 LNGJMP immAddr Jump to segment and address pointed to by immediate value and continue execution (privileged)
%1101`0110 $D6 JMP immAddr Jump to address pointed to by immediate value and continue execution
%1101`0111 $D7 JZ immAddr If Zero flag is set, jump to address pointed to by immediate value and continue execution
%1101`1000 $D8 JNZ immAddr If Zero flag is not set, jump to address pointed to by immediate value and continue execution
%1101`1001 $D9 JLT immAddr If Negative flag is not equal to Overflow flag, jump to address pointed to by immediate value and continue execution
%1101`1010 $DA JB immAddr If Carry flag is set, jump to address pointed to by immediate value and continue execution
%1101`1011 $DB JGT immAddr If Zero flag is clear and Negative flag is not equal to Overflow flag, jump to address pointed to by immediate value and continue execution
%1101`1100 $DC JA immAddr If Carry flag is clear and Zero flag is clear, jump to address pointed to by immediate value and continue execution
%1101`1101 $DD CALL immAddr Push PC.H0 to stack, jump to address pointed to by immediate value and continue execution until RET is executed
%1101`1110 $DE OUTR immAddr reg Output value at immediate address to port in destination register
%1101`1111 $DF IN immAddr reg Read value from port at immediate address into destination register
%1110`0000 $E0 reserved
%1110`0001 $E1 reserved
%1110`0010 $E2 reserved
%1110`0011 $E3 reserved
%1110`0100 $E4 reserved
%1110`0101 $E5 reserved
%1110`0110 $E6 reserved
%1110`0111 $E7 reserved
%1110`1000 $E8 reserved
%1110`1001 $E9 reserved
%1110`1010 $EA reserved
%1110`1011 $EB reserved
%1110`1100 $EC reserved
%1110`1101 $ED reserved
%1110`1110 $EE reserved
%1110`1111 $EF reserved
%1111`0000 $F0 reserved
%1111`0001 $F1 reserved
%1111`0010 $F2 reserved
%1111`0011 $F3 reserved
%1111`0100 $F4 reserved
%1111`0101 $F5 reserved
%1111`0110 $F6 reserved
%1111`0111 $F7 reserved
%1111`1000 $F8 reserved
%1111`1001 $F9 reserved
%1111`1010 $FA reserved
%1111`1011 $FB reserved
%1111`1100 $FC reserved
%1111`1101 $FD reserved
%1111`1110 $FE reserved
%1111`1111 $FF BRK (INT 3) Trigger a debug break (INT 3)