paulmaunders / vagrant-aws-test

Example Vagrantfile to test integration with aws as a provider utilising the vagrant-aws plugin

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Install the vagrant-aws plugin

vagrant plugin install vagrant-aws

Setup your aws credentials in settings.yml (see configuration options below)

cp settings.yml.example settings.yml
vim settings.yml

Add a dummy box (this won't be used but is necessary to stop errors parsing the Vagrantfile)

vagrant box add dummy

Launch vagrant

vagrant up

SSH into the server.

vagrant ssh

You may have to wait a couple of minutes for the instance to be created before you can connect via SSH.

Provisioning with Ansible

You can test provisioning the vagrant aws instance with Ansible. Before you do so you will need to install some ansible roles. This can be done with

ansible-galaxy install -r requirements.yml

You can then provision with

vagrant provision

Configuration Options

The options you can configure in settings.yml are as follows.

aws_access_key: "changeme"

Your AWS access key

aws_secret_key: "changeme"

Your AWS secret key

aws_instance_name: "changeme"

A unique name that you wish to give the instance so that you can identify it easily in the AWS EC2 control panel.

aws_ssh_public_key_name: "changeme"

The name of your public key as uploaded to AWS EC2

aws_subnet_id: "subnet-changeme"

The VPC subnet id that you wish to launch the instance into e.g. subnet-123456

aws_security_group: "sg-changeme"

The security group you wish to assign to the instance e.g. sg-123456 - this must be present in the same VPC as the subnet used previously.

aws_region: "eu-west-1"

The region you wish to launch the instance in. This must contain the VPC subnet chosen previously.

aws_instance_type: "t2.small"

The instance type you wish to use. t2.small costs $14.6 per month as of April 2016

aws_ami: "ami-33734044"

The id of the Amazon Machine Image you want to use, defaults to Centos 7

aws_instance_username: "centos"

The username required to connect to the instance via SSH

aws_storage_size: 100

The size of the root disk storage in GB. We default to using GP2 SSD storage.

config_ssh_private_key_path: "~/.ssh/"

The local path to the SSH private key that corresponds to the public key uploaded to Amazon EC2.

Debugging errors

If you have any difficulties with the above commands, you should enable debugging to get more information from Vagrant.

export VAGRANT_LOG=debug


Example Vagrantfile to test integration with aws as a provider utilising the vagrant-aws plugin