paulleroyza / HelloLoggingNodeJS

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Hello Logging NodeJS

This is a basic Hello World example application written in NodeJS and designed to explore some of Google's Operations Suite features. You can run it in App Engine, Kubernetes Engine, or Cloud Run.

Note: If running the example in a GKE cluster, you will need to enable full security scope access for the cluster when creating, or add appropriate roles to your cluster Service Account, or you will receive errors from some of the operations related agents.

Load the dependencies and test locally

Install the dependencies

npm install

Start the server

npm start

Test by visiting http://localhost:8080

If it's working, shut down the server (ctrl-c)

Building and deploying to Container Registry

Use Cloud Build to build the Docker image and push to GCR

export PROJECT=$(gcloud config list --format 'value(core.project)')
gcloud builds submit . --tag$PROJECT/hello-logging

Running the app in Cloud Run

Now create a new Cloud Run app named hello-logging based on the just pushed image

gcloud run deploy hello-logging --image$PROJECT/hello-logging --region us-central1 --platform managed --quiet --allow-unauthenticated

Rebuilding the Cloud Run app

Remember, if you change the code you'll have to save the change, Cloud Build the image into the GCR, and push a new Cloud Run revision. This command will fail if the $PROJECT env variable isn't set, FYI.

gcloud builds submit --tag$PROJECT/hello-logging
gcloud run deploy hello-logging --image$PROJECT/hello-logging --region us-central1 --platform managed --quiet --allow-unauthenticated

Deploying to App Engine

There's already an app.yaml file so no need to create one yourself. Create the App Engine app (if needed):

gcloud app create

Then deploy the application to it:

gcloud app deploy


If you'd like to deploy to GKE, make sure you have the appropriate permissions enabled on the cluster (see note at top of this file). There's a k8sapp.yaml containing configurations to create a Deployment, and build a LoadBalancer for it. You will need to edit the file before applying to set the proper path to the container in GCR. Then simply apply the file:

kubectl apply -f k8sapp.yaml



Language:JavaScript 56.7%Language:Shell 21.0%Language:Dockerfile 12.4%Language:Python 10.0%