paulius-kazokas / Real-Estate-Bill-Generator

Project imitates users real estate monthly utility usage and bill generation.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

apache-common-codec apache-commons-collections apache-commons-lang joda-time mysql-connector-j org-json junit-jupiter-api mockito lombok slf4j-shield maven-compiler sonarqube-maven-scanner

jdk maven sonarqube

java xml json

Quality Gate Status Bugs Code Smells Duplicated Lines (%) Lines of Code Security Rating Vulnerabilities Coverage

Real Estate Bill Generator



  • implemented unit price and pvm generation for each utility



  • implemented current monthly bill report when chosen all properties



  • implemented current month bill generation



  • implemented custom bill generation. User can choose all properties, utilities and date for each utility (with partial input validation)
  • moved bill related actions to separated class



  • updated sandbox_database.sql file
  • uploaded database schema photo


  • fixed database schema
  • fixed getIndicatorsByProperty method to correctly get Indicator list
  • simplified DatabaseConfig
  • removed unused mothods
  • added bill generation by address

(updated Upcoming section)

Getting Started

CI/CD pipeline

  • Develop new feature from project board

  • Write tests

  • Sonar scan

    • Run mvn clean install sonar:sonar results will be located on SonarCloud

    Note. To scan locally run then run mvn clean install sonar:sonar -Dmaven.wagon.http.ssl.insecure=true and the results will be located on Local SonarQube

  • Commit and push changes

    • mvn clean install
    • git add --all
    • git commit -m ""
    • git push

Database schema



Fixed Indicators database table

Indicators table will have property ID. Property table will contain ID, type, address data only.

NEW Bill table

Bill table will include ID, personalcode, date, filtering cmd, json report for filtering cmd. Joined with User table


Ability to choose utilities and dates for each properties. Save the following user input as filteringCmd

filteringCmd example: address+all+2020-08,2020-07,2020-04,2020-08,2020-07;another address+Electricity,Water+2020-09


  • make a choice for user to pick all properties via input

  • make a choice for user to pick all utilities via input

Export bill

Generate bill name by chosen filter

User filtering history

Allow user to look which filters were used to generate bill reports. If entered filtering were used before, system will notify user and then will extract from database

Check user bills contains custom filter

Custom filter will include users custom filtering, by that the filter will be parsed and json report will be generated, inserted into Bill table ( this will enable user history and instead generating report the already existed report will be suggested and showsn from database )

Recheck calculations

~~Check when using filters if correct calculations are applied to calculate utility and total prices


Github ReadMe

LinkedIn StackOverflow


Project imitates users real estate monthly utility usage and bill generation.


Language:Java 100.0%