paulcsmith / web-frameworks

Which is the fastest web framework?

Repository from Github https://github.compaulcsmith/web-frameworksRepository from Github https://github.compaulcsmith/web-frameworks

Which is the fastest?

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This project aims to be a load benchmarking suite, no more, no less

Measuring response times (routing times) for each framework (middleware).

Results are not production-ready yet

Additional purposes :

  • Helping decide between languages, depending on use case
  • Learning languages, best practices, devops culture ...
  • Having fun ❤️


  • Crystal as built-in tools are made in this language
  • Docker as frameworks are isolated into containers
  • wrk as benchmarking tool, >= 4.1.0
  • postgresql to store data, >= 10

ℹ️ you need wrk stable

git clone --branch 4.1.0

⚠️ docker is used for development purpose, production results will be computed on DigitalOcean ⚠️


  • Install all dependencies
shards install
  • Build internal tools
shards build
  • Create and initialize the database
createdb -U postgres benchmark
psql -U postgres -d benchmark < .ci/dump.sql
export DATABASE_URL="postgresql://postgres@localhost/benchmark"
  • Make configuration
bin/make config
  • Build containers

jobs are either languages (example : crystal) or frameworks (example :

bin/neph [job1] [job2] [job3] ...
  • Export all results readme
bin/db to_readme


ℹ️ Updated on 2020-03-02 ℹ️

Benchmarking with wrk

  • Threads : 8
  • Timeout : 8
  • Duration : 5s (seconds)

ℹ️ Sorted by max req/s on concurrency 64 ℹ️

Language Framework Speed (64) Speed (256) Speed (512) Speed (1024) Speed (2048)
1 javascript (13.7) sifrr (0.0) 169 105 190 324 193 152 189 980 191 326
2 javascript (13.7) nanoexpress (1.1) 160 157 180 992 183 937 180 897 180 264
3 go (1.14) fasthttp (1.9) 155 088 172 755 177 113 173 081 172 602
4 go (1.14) atreugo (10.4) 149 360 165 102 169 442 165 287 165 090
5 go (1.14) gorouter-fasthttp (4.4) 148 262 163 428 167 095 163 851 163 388
6 go (1.14) router (0.6) 148 000 162 892 166 825 162 026 160 491
7 go (1.14) fasthttprouter (0.1) 147 415 161 877 165 873 160 938 160 776
8 crystal (0.33) toro (0.4) 146 233 162 205 161 980 152 794 152 959
9 crystal (0.33) (0.2) 145 690 160 801 159 480 150 572 151 238
10 go (1.14) fiber (1.8) 143 822 152 219 150 922 143 194 142 734
11 java (8) rapidoid (5.5) 142 711 171 479 174 323 168 119 170 488
12 crystal (0.33) spider-gazelle (2.3) 140 456 156 276 154 448 147 775 148 820
13 crystal (0.33) grip (0.27) 134 898 148 304 146 788 137 812 138 635
14 nim (1.0) jester (0.4) 134 869 152 598 156 100 152 376 151 836
15 crystal (0.33) kemal (0.26) 133 580 150 188 150 027 140 266 140 772
16 crystal (0.33) amber (0.33) 131 914 143 745 142 049 133 969 134 657
17 crystal (0.33) orion (2.1) 125 054 136 962 131 748 125 419 125 846
18 php (7.4) workerman (3.5) 122 887 137 883 141 551 141 436 138 539
19 crystal (0.33) athena (0.8) 118 034 127 201 119 973 112 299 112 352
20 go (1.14) rte (0.0) 109 094 104 318 114 902 115 035 114 098
21 go (1.14) httprouter (1.3) 107 836 109 155 114 089 113 896 113 542
22 go (1.14) gorouter (4.4) 101 999 108 390 112 467 112 051 111 287
23 go (1.14) chi (4.0) 101 942 101 530 105 237 105 432 105 130
24 go (1.14) violetear (7.0) 100 810 101 554 106 547 107 185 106 437
25 nim (1.0) httpbeast (0.2) 100 045 159 708 130 356 120 510 190 159
26 go (1.14) aero (1.3) 99 701 100 415 104 175 103 874 102 654
27 go (1.14) goroute (0.0) 99 316 97 730 102 702 103 402 103 022
28 go (1.14) echo (4.1) 98 256 96 478 100 946 101 481 101 022
29 go (1.14) gorilla-mux (1.7) 97 991 95 565 100 229 101 314 100 513
30 ruby (2.7) agoo (2.12) 97 591 121 315 125 800 126 924 126 247
31 go (1.14) beego (1.12) 96 464 100 328 105 035 104 756 104 094
32 go (1.14) kami (2.2) 96 331 103 451 106 212 105 124 104 673
33 go (1.14) gin (1.5) 94 797 96 732 99 274 99 590 99 490
34 c (99) kore (3.3) 94 773 146 107 152 041 156 951 146 710
35 java (8) act (1.8) 93 704 129 532 131 823 128 702 128 391
36 go (1.14) webgo (3.0) 93 269 92 120 95 612 96 835 95 840
37 csharp (8.0) aspnetcore (3.1) 91 268 105 314 108 309 106 081 105 699
38 c (11) agoo-c (0.7) 87 815 151 957 183 822 188 810 184 702
39 go (1.14) air (0.15) 82 532 85 320 87 621 87 669 87 875
40 cpp (14/17) drogon (1.0) 81 607 90 152 92 683 93 535 90 235
41 javascript (13.7) polkadot (1.0) 80 588 102 734 103 336 98 736 98 764
42 javascript (13.7) 0http (2.2) 78 032 98 322 99 170 94 979 94 450
43 go (1.14) gf (1.11) 75 286 82 486 85 117 86 027 85 704
44 javascript (13.7) polka (0.5) 73 126 89 005 87 924 84 450 84 479
45 javascript (13.7) restana (4.1) 72 865 92 902 92 737 88 692 88 571
46 javascript (13.7) rayo (1.3) 71 661 86 925 85 829 82 959 81 623
47 swift (5.1) perfect (3.1) 71 384 80 167 84 643 85 558 84 567
48 python (3.8) falcon (2.0) 69 393 77 951 78 870 71 763 77 654
49 go (1.14) mars (1.0) 65 083 63 239 66 718 67 201 67 149
50 elixir (1.1) cowboy_stream (2.7) 62 776 66 991 66 692 65 263 65 087
51 javascript (13.7) muneem (2.4) 60 785 76 688 75 581 73 088 72 842
52 javascript (13.7) fastify (2.12) 58 485 71 554 70 185 67 833 67 340
53 python (3.8) bottle (0.12) 57 876 64 142 63 985 63 032 62 889
54 javascript (13.7) foxify (0.1) 57 276 70 527 69 118 67 433 67 185
55 python (3.8) apidaora (0.12) 56 923 65 480 65 498 62 733 62 537
56 php (7.4) one (1.9) 55 315 62 067 62 843 62 316 61 909
57 java (8) javalin (3.5) 53 225 82 464 80 724 78 288 78 863
58 javascript (13.7) koa (2.11) 51 766 64 196 62 024 61 308 61 510
59 swift (5.1) kitura-nio (2.8) 50 233 53 456 52 788 51 793 52 015
60 swift (5.1) kitura (2.8) 50 216 51 800 51 863 51 105 51 412
61 javascript (13.7) iotjs-express (0.0) 50 070 62 138 60 552 58 874 58 603
62 kotlin (1.3) ktor (1.2) 49 561 80 673 83 310 82 746 83 096
63 python (3.8) blacksheep (0.2) 49 366 55 533 55 070 52 944 52 682
64 scala (2.12) akkahttp (10.1) 48 886 72 150 70 672 71 263 71 969
65 swift (5.1) vapor (3.3) 47 632 50 820 50 598 49 641 49 685
66 python (3.8) asgineer (0.7) 47 381 53 258 53 160 51 249 51 259
67 php (7.4) hyperf (1.0) 46 893 50 951 51 288 50 914 50 872
68 javascript (13.7) express (4.17) 45 594 56 736 55 149 54 064 55 027
69 python (3.8) hug (2.6) 45 130 50 064 50 004 49 772 48 987
70 python (3.8) starlette (0.13) 44 246 49 646 49 594 48 282 47 681
71 python (3.8) pyramid (1.1) 42 727 50 624 49 732 48 898 49 357
72 clojure (1.1) coast (1.0) 41 970 55 798 55 759 55 870 55 571
73 rust (1.41) gotham (0.4) 41 486 48 501 51 343 52 377 52 001
74 elixir (1.1) cowboy (2.7) 40 881 44 148 43 700 42 769 42 785
75 javascript (13.7) moleculer (0.14) 40 816 52 516 51 946 50 936 50 898
76 cpp (11) evhtp (1.2) 40 577 44 031 44 427 45 293 44 307
77 php (7.4) sw-fw-less (preview) 40 454 43 197 43 385 42 831 42 921
78 ruby (2.7) syro (3.2) 40 331 42 732 40 898 40 146 40 450
79 php (7.4) imi (1.0) 40 167 43 484 43 494 43 510 43 121
80 ruby (2.7) hanami-api (0.1) 37 913 39 844 34 856 37 705 39 645
81 python (3.8) emmett (2.0.0a5) 37 248 43 616 43 177 41 480 41 516
82 ruby (2.7) roda (3.29) 36 956 39 331 38 285 37 771 37 802
83 elixir (1.1) plug (1.8) 36 953 39 804 39 110 38 528 38 401
84 rust (1.41) nickel (0.11) 36 728 36 754 34 615 34 796 35 386
85 php (7.4) swoft (2.0) 35 723 37 623 37 518 37 161 37 070
86 javascript (13.7) hapi (19.1) 34 031 45 442 44 415 44 302 44 511
87 javascript (13.7) restify (8.5) 33 687 43 023 41 940 41 860 42 076
88 java (8) spring-boot (2.1) 32 716 72 998 76 561 75 056 74 536
89 ruby (2.7) cuba (3.9) 32 506 34 023 33 336 33 440 33 684
90 elixir (1.1) phoenix (1.4) 31 840 33 815 33 205 32 628 32 467
91 fsharp (4.7) suave (2.5) 31 093 35 489 35 978 36 357 36 756
92 java (8) micronaut (1.2) 30 588 71 321 72 418 70 450 69 542
93 python (3.8) fastapi (0.5) 29 664 31 389 31 420 29 809 29 720
94 scala (2.12) http4s (0.18) 29 111 56 816 57 998 57 913 57 712
95 python (3.8) responder (2.0) 28 671 31 410 30 645 29 432 29 654
96 ruby (2.7) rack-routing (0.0) 28 671 28 769 28 707 28 581 28 617
97 crystal (0.33) lucky (0.18) 27 702 26 277 23 182 21 656 20 887
98 python (3.8) clastic (19.9) 26 225 27 209 27 050 26 876 26 737
99 ruby (2.7) camping (2.1) 24 740 25 011 25 012 25 049 25 055
100 dart (2.7) aqueduct (3.2) 24 226 27 325 27 166 25 316 26 457
101 python (3.8) masonite (2.3) 23 209 24 684 25 002 24 629 24 582
102 python (3.8) molten (1.0) 22 798 24 705 24 809 24 561 24 811
103 python (3.8) aiohttp (3.6) 22 702 25 013 24 681 23 272 23 365
104 javascript (13.7) turbo_polka (0.3) 22 281 21 803 20 311 20 204 20 293
105 python (3.8) flask (1.1) 21 332 22 269 22 097 21 537 21 509
106 python (3.8) sanic (19.12) 20 211 21 925 21 811 20 997 20 926
107 java (8) spring-framework (5.2) 18 040 58 301 66 464 63 595 65 308
108 rust (1.41) iron (0.6) 17 251 17 296 17 392 17 152 17 344
109 php (7.4) spiral (2.4) 16 555 17 676 17 993 17 818 17 877
110 ruby (2.7) sinatra (2.0) 15 600 16 220 16 235 16 367 14 717
111 go (1.14) gramework (1.7) 14 729 15 142 15 301 15 274 15 232
112 ruby (2.7) grape (1.3) 13 526 13 749 13 800 13 780 13 807
113 ruby (2.7) flame (4.18) 13 200 13 167 13 058 12 967 13 008
114 python (3.8) quart (0.11) 12 225 12 253 11 582 10 989 11 056
115 ruby (2.7) hanami (1.3) 11 681 11 784 11 705 11 679 11 706
116 python (3.8) tornado (6.0) 10 535 10 901 10 514 10 305 10 443
117 python (3.8) django (3.0) 10 370 10 749 10 670 10 659 10 339
118 python (3.8) cherrypy (18.5) 9 040 9 271 9 274 9 116 9 232
119 php (7.4) ubiquity (2.3) 8 571 9 101 11 339 53 649 51 525
120 swift (5.1) swifter (1.4) 7 893 8 215 8 211 8 012 8 167
121 perl (5.3) dancer2 (2.0) 7 625 2 047 1 499 1 201 1 622
122 php (7.4) one-fpm (1.9) 7 545 7 815 10 519 45 822 42 531
123 php (7.4) phalcon (4.0) 7 235 7 369 10 189 51 936 43 433
124 php (7.4) hamlet (3.2) 7 047 7 352 10 516 45 699 40 666
125 crystal (0.33) onyx (0.5) 4 512 4 788 4 805 4 766 4 787
126 php (7.4) slim (4.4) 4 317 4 647 7 636 43 148 33 622
127 php (7.4) lumen (6.3) 4 131 4 307 6 917 42 264 33 971
128 php (7.4) yii (2.0) 4 098 4 471 7 386 44 446 36 029
129 ruby (2.7) rails (6.0) 4 062 3 969 3 913 3 903 3 888
130 php (7.4) zend-expressive (3.2) 3 376 3 709 6 623 43 101 38 929
131 php (7.4) symfony (4.3) 3 307 3 620 6 650 43 782 38 028
132 julia (1.3) merly (0.2) 2 928 4 025 2 066 1 818 1 904
133 python (3.8) cyclone (1.3) 2 193 2 216 2 182 2 133 2 157
134 php (7.4) zend-framework (3.1) 1 836 1 909 5 933 40 783 41 173
135 php (7.4) basicphp (0.9) 1 781 907 7 748 38 156 32 848
136 python (3.8) klein (19.6) 1 530 1 556 1 522 1 524 1 529
137 python (3.8) nameko (2.12) 1 518 1 501 1 466 1 410 1 452
138 php (7.4) laravel (6.17) 493 266 10 755 25 433 21 895

How to contribute ?

In any way you want ...

  • Request a framework addition
  • Report a bug (on any implementation)
  • Suggest an idea
  • ...

Any kind of idea is ❤️



Which is the fastest web framework?

License:MIT License


Language:PHP 48.4%Language:Crystal 11.7%Language:Python 7.0%Language:CMake 6.2%Language:Ruby 5.7%Language:Go 3.7%Language:Dockerfile 3.2%Language:Elixir 2.2%Language:JavaScript 1.9%Language:C++ 1.5%Language:Java 1.4%Language:Swift 1.3%Language:C 1.1%Language:Objective-C 0.8%Language:Scala 0.8%Language:Rust 0.7%Language:C# 0.4%Language:HTML 0.3%Language:Dart 0.3%Language:Nim 0.3%Language:Kotlin 0.3%Language:Perl 0.2%Language:Makefile 0.2%Language:F# 0.1%Language:Clojure 0.1%Language:Julia 0.1%Language:Lua 0.0%