paulbellamy / soroban-react

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@soroban-react is a simple, powerful framework for building modern Soroban dApps using React.

Library created based on written by


Package Version
@soroban-react/core npm version
@soroban-react/types npm version
@soroban-react/freighter npm version
@soroban-react/connect-button npm version
@soroban-react/wallet-data npm version


@soroban-react is a simple, powerful framework for building modern Soroban dApps using React. Its marquee features are:

  • Full support for Freighter

  • A dev-friendly context containing the current account and chain, and more, available globally throughout your dApp via a React Context.

  • The ability to write custom, fully featured Connectors that manage every aspect of your dApp's connectivity with the Soroban blockchain and user accounts.


To jump straight into code, check out the CodeSandbox demo! (ToDo)

Usage of

1. Install the packages

Install those packages you'll use

yarn add @soroban-react/core
yarn add @soroban-react/types
yarn add @soroban-react/freighter
yarn add @soroban-react/connect-button
yarn add @soroban-react/wallet-data
yarn add soroban-client

2. Set your allowed chains for your Dapp

import * as SorobanClient from "soroban-client";
import type {ChainMetadata, ChainName} from '@soroban-react/types';

export const allowedChains: Record<ChainName, ChainMetadata> = {
  public: {
    id: "public",
    name: "Public",
    networkPassphrase: SorobanClient.Networks.PUBLIC,
  testnet: {
    id: "testnet",
    name: "Testnet",
    networkPassphrase: SorobanClient.Networks.TESTNET,
  futurenet: {
    id: "futurenet",
    name: "Futurenet",
    networkPassphrase: SorobanClient.Networks.FUTURENET,
  sandbox: {
    id: "sandbox",
    name: "Sandbox",
    networkPassphrase: SorobanClient.Networks.SANDBOX,
  standalone: {
    id: "standalone",
    name: "Standalone",
    networkPassphrase: "Standalone Network ; February 2017",

3. Set your allowed connectors (wallets) for your Dapp

import {ConnectorList } from '@soroban-react/types';
import { freighter } from '@soroban-react/freighter';
import { allowedChains as chains } from './allowedChains';

const appName = "My dApp"
export const allowedConnectors: ConnectorList = [
      groupName: 'My Group Name',
      connectors: [freighter({ appName, chains })],

4. Create a @soroban-react provider component

import React from 'react'
import {SorobanReactProvider} from '@soroban-react/core';
import { allowedChains} from '../soroban/allowedChains';
import { allowedConnectors } from '../soroban/allowedConnectors';
  export default function MySorobanReactProvider({children}:{children: React.ReactNode}) {
    return (

5. Place your @soroban-react provider at the root of your dApp

import MySorobanReactProvider from './components/MySorobanReactProvider';

Be sure to place the rest of your dapp as children


6. Use useSorobanReact() at any point inside your dapp

import { useSorobanReact } from "@soroban-react/core";

const { address
        } = useSorobanReact()

Use @soroban-react/connect-button

Place at any part of your dApp the ConnectButton component, that will trigger the connect() method of your Connector. It does need the sorobanContext.

import { useSorobanReact } from "@soroban-react/core";
import { ConnectButton } from "@soroban-react/connect-button";

  label={Connect your Wallet}

Use @soroban-react/wallet-data

Place at any part of your dApp the WalletData component. If the Connector is not connected, will show the ConnectButton. If the Connector is connected, will show address and network.

import { useSorobanReact } from "@soroban-react/core";
import { WalletData } from "@soroban-react/wallet-data";



Projects using @soroban-react include:

Open a PR to add your project to the list! If you're interested in contributing


License:Apache License 2.0


Language:TypeScript 100.0%