paulbadcock / ocp4_tooling

Collection of self published OpenShift 4 tools

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OpenShift 4 - Tools

Collection of self published OpenShift 4 tools

Intended use is in a cron or other secheduled jobs to backup a cluster etcd via clustername

The clustername is used as a predefined list of clusters that provide 4 pieces of data

  1. ETCD_HOST - What server to ssh to and preform the snapshot
  2. ETCD_USER - The username (core in most cases) to ssh as
  3. ETCD_KEYFILE - The ssh keyfile for the user
  4. LOCAL_BACKUP_DIR - Full path of where to store the file
  5. BACKUP_FILE - A way to customize the backup file name

Replicating the conditional test in the case like nonprod will provide a way to introduce multiple clusternames.

NTP configuration

If you need to change your NTP resources from generic internet sources you can use custom machine configs.

Filename Usage
99-ntp-sources-master.yaml Master config
99-ntp-sources-worker.yaml Worker config

Each of these files use label selectors in the metadata to apply to either the master or worker nodes.

In order to specify the time sources you need to take a sample chrony.conf file like below

server iburst
server iburst
server iburst
server iburst
driftfile /var/lib/chrony/drift
makestep 1.0 3
keyfile /etc/chrony.keys
leapsectz right/UTC
logdir /var/log/chrony

Setting up custom configs

Modify your server lines to your custom NTP sources as needed then copy your contents into a URLencode tool.

Replace the line data line in the yaml file(s) on line 21 with


Note: the data:, is critical to operation

Applying NTP settings

With your custom configs you need to apply them to OpenShift. Soon as these machine configurations are applied the configs will be rendered to a new version of the master or worker machine config pools and rolling upgrades will start. If you wish you can apply one or both at the same time as a cluster-admin depending on the confidence.

To apply the config to the workers

oc apply -f 99-ntp-sources-worker.yaml

To apply the config to the masters

oc apply -f 99-ntp-sources-master.yaml

You should then see nodes cordon/disable scheduling and drain pods from their workloads

oc get nodes

And confirm it

NAME                             STATUS                     ROLES    AGE     VERSION
etcd-0.cluster.domain            Ready                      master   2d21h   v1.13.4+12ee15d4a
etcd-1.cluster.domain            Ready                      master   2d21h   v1.13.4+12ee15d4a
etcd-2.cluster.domain            Ready                      master   2d21h   v1.13.4+12ee15d4a
worker-0.cluster.domain          Ready,SchedulingDisabled   worker   2d21h   v1.13.4+12ee15d4a
worker-1.cluster.domain          Ready                      worker   2d21h   v1.13.4+12ee15d4a
worker-2.cluster.domain          Ready                      worker   2d21h   v1.13.4+12ee15d4a

This process will continue for all the nodes in the cluster. You should be able to confirm their time sources after reboot by running the chronyc sources command via SSH.

Or as a part of one big command

for i in {etcd-0,etcd-1,etcd-2,worker-0,worker-1,worker-2}; do ssh -i cluster_rsa_key core@${i}.cluster.domain 'chronyc sources'; done

And you should see something like

210 Number of sources = 3
MS Name/IP address         Stratum Poll Reach LastRx Last sample
^* ntpsource1                    1   7   377   128    -25us[  -33us] +/-  764us
^- ntpsource2                    3   6   377     1    -25us[  -25us] +/- 7064us
^- ntpsource3                    3   6   377    59   +112us[ +112us] +/- 6193us
^- ntpsource4                    1   6   377    59    +34us[  +45us] +/-  834us


Collection of self published OpenShift 4 tools


Language:Shell 100.0%