patrikeyeva / Yandex-algorithm-training-1.0

Here are my solutions to problems from the Yandex training in algorithms 1.0 (Golang)

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Here are my solutions to problems from the Yandex training in algorithms 1.0 (Golang)

Link to the site with general information

Tasks | Solutions | Topic

Tasks Solutions Topic
Task-1 Solutions-1 -
Task-2 Solutions-2 Линейный поиск
Task-3 Solutions-3 Множества
Task-4 Solutions-4 Словари и сортировка подсчётом
Task-5 Solutions-5 Префиксные суммы и два указателя
Task-6 Solutions-6 Бинарный поиск


Here are my solutions to problems from the Yandex training in algorithms 1.0 (Golang)


Language:Go 100.0%