patrickshan / grafana-awesome

a list of awesome Grafana tools & resources, both official and community-built

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


an awesome-style list of tools and resources for Grafana

note: this is a work in progress--PRs are encouraged!


quickstarting Grafana

resources to sandbox, bootstrap, and quickstart Grafana



cheat sheets


admin tasks

resources for common admin tasks like migrating the Grafana db, syncing dashboards, and generating reports

backing up Grafana

searching Grafana

migrating the grafana.db database

  • grafana/database-migrator

    • This script dumps data from a grafana sqlite database in a format that works with MySQL. It is intended to assist in migrating Grafana instances from the default sqlite database (grafana.db) to MySQL (or a MySQL-compatible DB like MariaDB).

dashboard exporting & syncing



resources for legacy alerting and the new unified alerting (Grafana 8+)

unified alerting

  • title

    • description
  • title

    • description
  • orojina/grafana-cli

    • a command line tool that allows you to execute actions against Grafana api server (e.g. start/stop alerts)

legacy alerting

plugin development

resources for building, signing, and publishing Grafana Plugins




data sources

data source plugins, exporters, REST APIs, and other get-my-data-into-Grafana solutions

SQL-driven data source plugins

Prometheus data source plugin

Python, Pandas, & Data Analysis


table panel

timeseries panel


reverse proxies

  • Reverse Proxy change in 8.3.5

    • the new header setting for reverse proxies for 8.3.5+. Did upgrading to 8.3.5+ break your grafana? Is your grafana behind a reverse proxy? Check out this issue.

other resources

IoT, home lab, & maker solutions

  • panodata/grafanimate

    • Tool for creating animations of your time-series by capturing screenshots while stepping through time.
  • grafana/prometheus-arduino

    • An Arduino library for sending prometheus metrics directly to a Prometheus remote write endpoint.

time and time-picker solutions


a list of awesome Grafana tools & resources, both official and community-built