patrickbucher / reportlab-workshop

creating some PDFs

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

ReportLab PDF Toolkit

Site Configuration

  • See reportlab/ for defaults and variables, which can be overwritten (e.g. by ~/.reportlab_settings or RL_* environment variables).
    • TTFSearchPath: directories queried for TTF files
    • showBoundary: draw boundary lines
    • pageCompression: compress PDF
    • trustedHosts: trusted image tag sources
    • trustedSchemes: trusted protocols (HTTPS?)
  • See reportlab/lib/ for page sizes.

Graphics and Text with pdfgen


  • lowest level interface for PDF creation
  • works on canvas, (0,0) coordinates at lower left corner of the page
    • unit: "point" (1/72 of an inch)
  • see
    • Canvas constructor takes various arguments, e.g. pageCompression=1 (for production output)
  • two kinds of commands: drawing or changing state (fill color, font type, ...)
  • draw operations of the Canvas object
    • lines/shapes
      • line/lines
      • grid
      • bezier
      • arc
      • rect
      • ellipse
      • wedge
      • circle
      • roundRect
    • strings
      • drawString
      • drawRightString
      • drawCenteredString
    • text
      • beginText; drawText
    • path
      • drawPath
      • clipPath
  • use PIL for images
    • Pillow (PIL fork)
    • drawImage
    • drawInlineImage (Bitmaps; inefficient)
  • ending a page (starting a new one with the next drawing operation)
    • showPage
  • fonts
    • setFont(name, size)
  • geometry
    • setPageSize
  • state
    • saveState: mark current state for later restoration
    • restoreState: restores the last saved state saved on the same page
  • misc
    • setAuthor
    • addOutlineEntry
    • setTitle
    • setSubject
  • text object
    • setTextOrigin
    • moveCursor
    • setFont
    • textOut
    • textLine

Platypus: Page Layout and Typography Using Scripts


  • paragraph styles
  • page templates
  • DocTemplates: outermost document container
    • contains 1+ PageTemplates: page layouts
      • contains 1+ Frames: regions of pages (text, graphics)
        • Flowables: text/graphic to be "flowed into" a frame


creating some PDFs


Language:Python 100.0%