patperu / charlatan

create fake data

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Project Status: Active – The project has reached a stable, usable state and is being actively developed. Build Status Build status codecov cran version

charlatan makes fake data, inspired from and borrowing some code from Python's faker

Make fake data for:

  • person names
  • jobs
  • phone numbers
  • colors: names, hex, rgb
  • credit cards
  • DOIs
  • numbers in range and from distributions
  • gene sequences
  • geographic coordinates
  • more coming ...

Possible use cases for charlatan:

  • Students in a classroom setting learning any task that needs a dataset.
  • People doing simulations/modeling that need some fake data
  • Generate fake dataset of users for a database before actual users exist
  • Complete missing spots in a dataset
  • Generate fake data to replace sensitive real data with before public release
  • Create a random set of colors for visualization
  • Generate random coordinates for a map
  • Get a set of randomly generated DOIs (Digital Object Identifiers) to assign to fake scholarly artifacts
  • Generate fake taxonomic names for a biological dataset
  • Get a set of fake sequences to use to test code/software that uses sequence data

Reasons to use charlatan:

  • Lite weight, very few dependencies, all deps lite weight
  • Relatively comprehensive types of data, and more being added
  • Comprehensive set of languages supported, more being added
  • Useful R features such as creating entire fake data.frame's


cran version


dev version


high level function

... for all fake data operations

x <- fraudster()
#> [1] "Best boy"
#> [1] "Dr. Adelard Ullrich III"
#> [1] "PaleGreen"

locale support

Adding more locales through time, e.g.,

Locale support for job data

ch_job(locale = "en_US", n = 3)
#> [1] "Psychologist, counselling" "Operations geologist"
#> [3] "Engineer, agricultural"
ch_job(locale = "fr_FR", n = 3)
#> [1] "Expert bilan carbone" "Maréchal"             "Déclarant en douane"
ch_job(locale = "hr_HR", n = 3)
#> [1] "Djelatnik koji obavlja poslove miniranja"
#> [2] "Prvostupnik sanitarnog inženjerstva"
#> [3] "Radnik zaposlen na rukovodećim poslovima"
ch_job(locale = "uk_UA", n = 3)
#> [1] "Слідчий"    "Письменник" "Дерун"
ch_job(locale = "zh_TW", n = 3)
#> [1] "工程研發主管" "生命禮儀師"   "資訊專業人員"

For colors:

ch_color_name(locale = "en_US", n = 3)
#> [1] "LightGoldenRodYellow" "Maroon"               "MintCream"
ch_color_name(locale = "uk_UA", n = 3)
#> [1] "Помаранчево-рожевий" "Синій Клейна"        "Зелено-сірий чай"

More coming soon ...

generate a dataset

#> # A tibble: 10 x 3
#>                       name                               job
#>                      <chr>                             <chr>
#>  1 Dr. Francies Stracke MD                  Technical brewer
#>  2      Dr. Darl O'Connell                     Site engineer
#>  3       Deeann Cartwright                      Photographer
#>  4            Jameson Will                      Risk analyst
#>  5   Mr. Nolan Johnston MD                Secretary, company
#>  6             Lori Cassin     Engineer, civil (contracting)
#>  7      Cole Heathcote Jr. Radiation protection practitioner
#>  8            Maud Bradtke                         Homeopath
#>  9      Dr. Aarav Schmeler  Higher education careers adviser
#> 10     Encarnacion Johnson           Diagnostic radiographer
#> # ... with 1 more variables: phone_number <chr>
ch_generate('job', 'phone_number', n = 30)
#> # A tibble: 30 x 2
#>                               job       phone_number
#>                             <chr>              <chr>
#>  1           Engineer, electrical       712.899.2585
#>  2      Public affairs consultant      (778)814-7867
#>  3                  Acupuncturist       228.349.2737
#>  4               Industrial buyer      (877)893-5585
#>  5  Engineer, civil (contracting)       736-920-6001
#>  6                    Adult nurse     1-158-403-4683
#>  7                    Optometrist   +10(3)5619999908
#>  8 Equality and diversity officer     1-103-042-2579
#>  9                    Music tutor     1-434-296-1629
#> 10       Chief Technology Officer 1-866-990-2513x096
#> # ... with 20 more rows

person name

#> [1] "Karri Nolan"
#>  [1] "Coral Bernier DDS"         "Miss Cleola Wyman MD"
#>  [3] "Eliga Roberts"             "Ellery Toy-Mosciski"
#>  [5] "Ms. Noretta Krajcik"       "Delton Cartwright"
#>  [7] "Leander Cartwright-Cremin" "Andre Fritsch"
#>  [9] "Trudy Osinski"             "Ozell Harber"

phone number

#> [1] "846.677.8207"
#>  [1] "(041)140-1861x299" "(714)986-0321"     "+14(2)9383900035"
#>  [4] "792-024-7630"      "+98(9)4934404941"  "05682486341"
#>  [7] "311-816-8497"      "158-272-6961"      "09412768076"
#> [10] "925-770-8357x9548"


#> [1] "Toxicologist"
#>  [1] "Radiographer, therapeutic"
#>  [2] "Sports development officer"
#>  [3] "Site engineer"
#>  [4] "Archivist"
#>  [5] "Media planner"
#>  [6] "Armed forces training and education officer"
#>  [7] "Teacher, secondary school"
#>  [8] "Legal secretary"
#>  [9] "Sports administrator"
#> [10] "Biomedical engineer"

credit cards

#> [1] "Diners Club / Carte Blanche"
ch_credit_card_provider(n = 4)
#> [1] "JCB 16 digit" "Discover"     "Mastercard"   "JCB 16 digit"
#> [1] "4393236964879"
ch_credit_card_number(n = 10)
#>  [1] "180092387684893340"  "51512743884706116"   "676205140541326"
#>  [4] "3052225761814848"    "3337762150079667193" "639084767378585"
#>  [7] "3337168650130468408" "52586108990026422"   "51556384483864878"
#> [10] "869950882615296431"
#> [1] "938"
#>  [1] "946"  "994"  "634"  "794"  "682"  "581"  "270"  "697"  "3179" "483"

Usage in the wild


  • Please report any issues or bugs.
  • License: MIT
  • Get citation information for charlatan in R doing citation(package = 'charlatan')
  • Please note that this project is released with a Contributor Code of Conduct. By participating in this project you agree to abide by its terms.



create fake data



Language:R 100.0%