patgrosse / restic-cronned

periodic backups ith restic

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


This tool is a cron-like daemon that performs periodic commands using restic. (backup/forget/...)
Obviously depends on restic


  • multiple jobs
  • jobs that can trigger follow-up jobs
  • passwords from all keyrings that supports
  • separate timer for retries from regular timers
  • an http server where you can fetch the current state of your jobs


restic-cronned "/path/to/job/diretory" ":someport"
The port is optional, if not given the server wont be started

Job definition

A Job is one restic action like backup or forget. It can be triggered periodically by itself or it can be triggered by another Job.
A Job can for example backup a folder and then trigger a forget on the same repo. With this approach no lock races should occur.

Jobs are defined in json files with this structure (see ExampleBackup/Forget.json):
These files need to be in a directory, that is specified by as the first commandline parameter

    "regularTimer":     int (seconds),  //intervall for regular starting of a job. Can be set x < 0 for a job that only gets triggered by other jobs
    "retryTimer":       int (seconds),  //intervall for retries if a job has failed.
    "maxFailedRetries": int,            //maximum retries before the job is killed entirely. Can be set to x < 0 for infinitly many  
    "JobName":          string,         //Identifies the Job. Recommended to be the same as the filename
    "NextJob"           string,         //Identifies the Job that should be triggered after this one
    "Username":         string,         //Username that was used to put the restic-repo password into the keyring
    "Service":          string,         //Service that was used to put the restic-repo password into the keyring
    "ResticPath":       string          //Optional path to the executable of restic (maybe different versions for different repos, not in PATH...)
    "ResticArguments":  [string]        //all arguments for restic   

This example backups /var/www/my-site dayly.
If the backup failed (maybe for connectivity issues or whatever) it retries 3 times hourly
It also forgets about the old snapshots and keeps the last 30 (about a month) by triggering forget from the Backup


    "regularTimer": 86400,
    "retryTimer": 3600,
    "maxFailedRetries": 3,
    "JobName": "ExampleBackup",
    "NextJob": "ExampleForget",
    "Service": "restic-repo1",
    "ResticArguments": ["-r", "/tmp/backup", "backup", "/var/www/my-site"]

This Job will not be triggered on its own, but only if the backup job succeeded


    "regularTimer": -1,
    "retryTimer": 3600,
    "maxFailedRetries": 3,
    "JobName": "ExampleForget",
    "Service": "restic-repo1",
    "ResticArguments": ["-r", "/tmp/backup", "forget", "--keep-last", "30"]


For convenience (and to be sure the keys can be read correctly from the keyring) the rckeyutil can be used to set/get/delete the repo keys.

  • rckeyutil set Service Username key
  • rckeyutil del Service Username
  • rckeyutil get Service Username Example with reference to the example jobs: rckeyutil set restic-repo1 Apache 1234

Http server

Started only if a port is given as the second commandline argument
Serves the queue in json format at "/queue". Note that times are represented in nano-seconds internally.
Exposes commands as:

  • /stop?name=JOBNAME
  • /stopall
  • /restart?name=JOBNAME
  • /reload?name=JOBNAME <-- requires the file to be named JOBNAME.json You can use the rccommand tool to do these for you if you dont wnat to use curl

Future plans

  1. Better configuration maybe using viper/cobra/...
  2. Improve lock watching for repos. Right now there are still raceconditions. Every job can still fail once for every race he looses.
  3. better output for/from the command-wrapper tool


periodic backups ith restic


Language:Go 100.0%