Whenever you install a new package into the virtualenv, update
pip freeze | grep -v pkg-resources > requirements.txt
git commit
to the state that you want to deploy, then eb deploy
These contain sensitive information. I've stored them in
pass Servers/aws/blackjack-web-deb/env
You can view them with eb printenv
The credentials are stored in pass.
Upon changing the models in the code, you need to update the schema in the database. Create the migrations:
flask db migrate -m "description of changes made"
To apply the migrations to the local test database, simply do:
flask db upgrade
To apply the migrations to the real database:
./db-tunnel.sh &
sleep 3
source bj-venv/bin/activate
source <(pass Servers/aws/blackjack-web-dev/postgres-env)
flask db upgrade
kill %1
To connect to the remote DB manually, run the above commands until flask db upgrade
. At that point, run the pass
command to get access to the password.
Copy it. Then you can run this command and paste the password when prompted.
Password for user [...]: