past-code / react-hooks

Collection of react hooks

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

React Hooks

This is a collection of frequently used react hooks to support development within baidu, contributions from community are also welcomed.

Project structure

This is a typical pnpm workspace based monorepo, each hook creates a package in packages folder, the folder name is dash-cased and without the use prefix.

Package name must comform a format of @huse/foo-bar.

Each package should named export at least one hook like:

import {useInputValue} from '@huse/input-value';

Unit tests are recommended, they are placed inside src/__tests__ folder with an extension of .test.js, we highly recommend a 100% of branch coverage.


By now we are unable to publish document online since docz build fails, you can find description to package in its, or to start a document site locally.

pnpm install
npm run doc:dev

Open http://localhost:3000 to view documents about hooks.

All hooks

Hook Description
useActionPending Add a pending indicator to any async function
useBoolean Methods to control a boolean state
useSwitch More convenient way to use boolean state
useToggle More convenient way to toggle boolean state or setState directly
useClickOutside Trigger callback when clicks outside a specific element
useArray Methods to control array state
useSet Methods to control Set state
useMap Methods to control Map state
useDebouncedEffect Debounce an effect on value change
useDebouncedValue Debounce a value change
useDebouncedCallback Debounce a callback function
useRenderTimes Return times of component rendered
useChangeTimes Return times of a value changed
useUpdateCause Observe the cause of component update
useDerivedState Derive a state from external prop
useDocumentEvent Add listeners to document's event
useDocumentTitle Change document.title
useEffectRef More reliable function based ref with clean-up ability
useElementResize Trigger callback when element resize
useElementSize Return element's size
useHover Observe mouse enter and leave to element
useImmerReducer A useReducer with immer support (deprecated)
useImmerState A useState with immer support (deprecated)
useInfiniteScroll Encapsulate methods and props to implement infinite scroll
useInputValue Bound a value and it's change handler to input element
useOnScreenCallback Trigger callback when element intersects with viewport
useOnScreen Return whether element intesects with viewport
useOnScreenLazyValue Lazy initialize a value when it intersects with viewport
useLocalStorage Visit and update local storage
useMedia Return whether a media query is currently matched
usePreferDarkMode Return whether user prefers dark color scheme
useMergedRef Merge multiple ref into a single one
useMethodsNative Wrap methods around a state
useMethodsExtensionNative Wrap methods around a setState function
useMethods useMethodsNative with immer support
useMethodsExtension useMethodsNative with immer support
useOnLine Return user is current online of offline
useCounter Methods to control a number state with increment and decrement
usePerformanceTiming Collect performance data and send to callback
useLayoutTiming Collect timings of a component's layout
usePoll Periodically trigger an async function and manage its response
usePreviousValue Get previous version of a value
usePreviousEquals Return whether a value is equals to that on previous render
useOriginalCopy Track back a value to get a reference equals copy when content are identical
useOriginalDeepCopy useOriginalCopy with deep equal support
useRequestCallback Return a function to trigger request with its data, error and pending state
useRequest Trigger request on params change and return its data, error and pending state
useScript Load an external script
useScriptSuspense Load an external script with suspense
useScrollIntoView Scroll an element into viewport
useScrollLock Lock scroll of document
useScrollPosition Get current scroll top and left
useScrollTop Get current scroll top
useScrollLeft Get current scroll left
useSelection Manage state to work with list selection, including multiple and range selection
useSnapshotState Get a state with undo and redo support
useTimeout Trigger callback after specified time
useInterval Trigger callback periodically
useStableInterval useInterval but counts ellapsed time of function execution, both sync and async
useTransitionState A state which will revert back to its initial value when updated
useForceUpdate Force update a component
useWindowSize Get the size of window
useOptimisticFactory Infrastructure hook to create optimistic state
useOptimisticState Optimistic state
useOptimisticTask Wrap async task to have optimistic result
useUserMedia Open video and audio streams in browser
useNavigate Get a function to navigate to any location
useLocationState Wrap location's state into a react state
useSearchParams Parse search string to URLSearchParams as well as a function to update search
useSearchParam Get a single search param
useSearchParamAll Get a single search param as array
useUpdateSearchParams Get a function to update search params
useSearchParamState Wrap a single search param into a react state
useWebSocket Create a web socket connecting to specified url


Collection of react hooks

License:MIT License


Language:TypeScript 49.8%Language:JavaScript 49.2%Language:Less 0.6%Language:Smarty 0.2%Language:CSS 0.1%