Epyon is a swiss army knife tool for pentesting DevOps ecosystems.
Available modules:
- Gitlab
- Github
- Jenkins
- Azure DevOps
- Sonatype Nexus
- Docker Registry
- Sonarqube
- Gitea
- Artifactory
- Terraform Cloud/Enterprise
Clone the repository and build the project with Golang:
$ git clone https://github.com/pasknel/epyon.git
$ cd epyon
$ go build
Make sure the "config.yaml" file is in the same folder as the main binary (use "config-example.yaml" as template).
Check the binary:
$ ./epyon -h
Epyon: Swiss army knife for pentesting DevOps ecosystems
epyon [flags]
epyon [command]
Available Commands:
artifactory Interact with JFrog Artifactory
azure Interact with Azure DevOps
completion Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
gitea Interact with Gitea server
github Interact with Github (Enterprise and Actions)
gitlab Interact with Gitlab Server
gitleaks Scan projects folders with Gitleaks
help Help about any command
horusec Static source code analysis with Horusec
jenkins Interact with Jenkins Server
nexus Interact with Nexus Repository
registry Interact with Docker Registry
sonarqube Interact with Sonarqube API
terraform Interact with Terraform Cloud/Enterprise
trufflehog Find leaked credentials with TruffleHog
-h, --help help for epyon
-P, --proxy-pass string Proxy Password
-X, --proxy-server string Proxy Server
-U, --proxy-user string Proxy User
-S, --socks-server string SOCKS5 Server (ip:port)
-K, --ssl-insecure SSL Insecure (default true)
-V, --verbose Verbose
Use "epyon [command] --help" for more information about a command.
See the project's wiki for documentation and usage examples