pasevin / hardhat-gas-reporter

Gas usage per unit test. Average gas usage per method. (eth-gas-reporter for Hardhat)

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

npm version Build Status Codechecks buidler


eth-gas-reporter plugin for hardhat.


A Mocha reporter for Ethereum test suites:

  • Gas usage per unit test.
  • Metrics for method calls and deployments.
  • National currency costs of deploying and using your contract system.
  • CI integration with codechecksbeta

Example report

Screen Shot 2019-06-23 at 2 10 19 PM


npm install hardhat-gas-reporter --save-dev

And add the following to your hardhat.config.js:


Or, if you are using TypeScript, add this to your hardhat.config.ts:

import "hardhat-gas-reporter"

Looking for buidler-gas-reporter docs? They moved here...


Configuration is optional.

module.exports = {
  gasReporter: {
    currency: 'CHF',
    gasPrice: 21

💡 Pro Tips

Turning the plugin on/off

The options include an enabled key that lets you toggle gas reporting on and off using shell environment variables. When enabled is false, mocha's (faster) default spec reporter is used. Example:

module.exports = {
  gasReporter: {
    enabled: (process.env.REPORT_GAS) ? true : false

Migrating from Truffle

If you already have eth-gas-reporter installed in your project, make sure you uninstall it before adding this plugin. hardhat-gas-reporter manages eth-gas-reporter as a dependency and having multiple versions in your lockfile can stop the reporter from working correctly.


This plugin overrides the built-in test task. Gas reports are generated by default with:

npx hardhat test

Continuous Integration

This reporter comes with a codechecks CI integration that displays a pull request's gas consumption changes relative to its target branch in the Github UI. It's like coveralls for gas. The codechecks service is free for open source and maintained by MakerDao engineer @krzkaczor.

Complete set-up guide here (it's easy).

Screen Shot 2019-06-18 at 12 25 49 PM


⚠️ CoinMarketCap API change ⚠️

Beginning March 2020, CoinMarketCap requires an API key to access currency market price data. The reporter uses an unprotected free tier key by default (10k reqs/mo). You can get your own API key here and set it with the coinmarketcap option.

Option Type Default Description
enabled Boolean true Always generate gas reports when running the hardhat test command.
currency String 'EUR' National currency to represent gas costs in. Exchange rates loaded at runtime from the coinmarketcap api. Available currency codes can be found here.
coinmarketcap String (unprotected API key) API key to use when fetching current market price data. (Use this if you stop seeing price data)
gasPrice Number (varies) Denominated in gwei. Default is loaded at runtime from the eth gas station api
outputFile String stdout File path to write report output to
noColors Boolean false Suppress report color. Useful if you are printing to file b/c terminal colorization corrupts the text.
onlyCalledMethods Boolean true Omit methods that are never called from report.
rst Boolean false Output with a reStructured text code-block directive. Useful if you want to include report in RTD
rstTitle String "" Title for reStructured text header (See Travis for example output)
showTimeSpent Boolean false Show the amount of time spent as well as the gas consumed
excludeContracts String[] [] Contracts (or folders) to exclude from report. Ex: ['Migrations.sol', 'Wallets/']. (See v1.0.3 release notes for additional usage help)
src String "contracts" Folder in root directory to begin search for .sol files. This can also be a path to a subfolder relative to the root, e.g. "planets/annares/contracts"
url String http://localhost:8545 (or network value) RPC client url
proxyResolver Function none Custom method to resolve identity of methods managed by a proxy contract.
showMethodSig Boolean false Display complete method signatures. Useful when you have overloaded methods you can't tell apart.
maxMethodDiff Number undefined Codechecks failure threshold, triggered when the % diff for any method is greater than number (integer)
maxDeploymentDiff Number undefined Codechecks failure threshold, triggered when the % diff for any deployment is greater than number (integer)
remoteContracts RemoteContract[] [] Contracts pre-deployed to a (forked) network which the reporter should collect gas usage data for. (See RemoteContract type and usage example)


Other useful documentation can be found at eth-gas-reporter


Gas usage per unit test. Average gas usage per method. (eth-gas-reporter for Hardhat)

License:MIT License


Language:TypeScript 46.9%Language:Solidity 26.3%Language:JavaScript 23.4%Language:Shell 3.4%