pascalpuffke / image

Command-line image manipulation

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Command-line image manipulation tools


JRE 16 is required, older versions are not supported. That fact alone should be enough for you not to consider actually using this thing. And yes, I do use some newer language features.

java -jar image.jar [--input input_image] [--output output_image] [options]

Download a pre-compiled jar file from Releases or use the maven package command.

I may eventually try using jpackage to compile regular executables, but for now you'll have to do it this way.


  • -i, --input <path>

  • -o, --output <path>

  • -b, --brighten <amount>

    • Values range from 0 (no change) to 255 (clip everything white)
  • -d, --darken <amount>

    • Values range from 0 (no change) to 255 (clip everything black)
  • -f, --filter <filter>

    • See Filters section below
  • -l, --list-filters

  • -p, --palette <path|text>

  • -r, --resize <WxH>

  • -rq, --resize-quick <WxH>

    • About 5x quicker than regular resize, though quality takes a hit for natural images
  • --iterations <num>

    • Higher amount approximates a Gaussian blur when using the box-blur filter
  • --radius <pixels>

  • -h, --help

    • Help also shows when program is run without any arguments
  • -V, --version


Resize an image to full HD:

java -jar image.jar --input input.png --output output.png --resize 1920x1080

Blur an image using default settings:

java -jar image.jar --input input.png --output output.png --filter box_blur

Resize, brighten, blurring, dithering and grayscale an image (why would you do this?), all with custom settings and enabling debug messages:

java -jar image.jar \
--input input.png \
--output output.png \
--resize 1366x768 \
--brighten 20 \
--filter box_blur \
--radius 20 \
--iterations 2 \
--filter floyd_steinberg \
--palette palette.txt \
--filter grayscale \ 


  • Grayscale conversion

    • grayscale, grayscale_average, grayscale_min, grayscale_max, grayscale_perceptual
  • Palette conversion, dithering

    • floyd_steinberg, nearest_color
  • Blurring

    • box_blur
  • Resizing

    • resize, resize_fast
  • Brightness correction

    • brighten, darken

Filter parameters

  • Grayscale filters require no additional configuration.

  • Palette conversion filters require a target palette; see Using and formatting palettes section below.

    • --palette <text|path>
  • Blur filters can take user-defined radius and iteration values, or fall back to standard values (radius=5, iterations=1).

    • --radius <pixels>
    • --iterations <num>
  • Resize filters require either a target size in the form of WIDTHxHEIGHT or only the size of the longest side (calculates the smaller side to preserve the aspect ratio)

    • e.g. --resize 1920x1080 or --resize 1920

Using and formatting palettes

In order to use palette conversion filters, this program requires a target palette.

You can either define palettes by writing them out as a command-line argument using the --palette flag, or using a text file instead. Colours must be in hexadecimal form: #RRGGBB.

Supported formatting as a command-line argument:

--palette "#FFFFFF #63D0E4 #000000"

A text file should use newlines instead of whitespaces:


Use the text file by pointing the --palette flag to it.

--palette path-to-file.txt


Command-line image manipulation

License:Apache License 2.0


Language:Java 100.0%