parvezk / MSThesisMaster2019

MS Thesis Spring 2019

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Time-stamp: "[README.txt] last modified by Parvez Kose (pkose) on 2016-07-27 (Wednesday, 27 July 2016) at 17:11:01 on"

  Info: $Id: README.txt 967 2016-07-28 15:33:29Z pkose $   NYU
  Revision: $Rev: 967 $
 $LastChangedDate: 2016-07-28 09:33:29 -0600 (Thu, 28 March 2019) $
 $LastChangedBy: pkose $

This directory contains the files necessary to create a sample
document in LaTeX.  It is the LaTeX format accepted by the Graduate
School.  The main file that is processed with LaTeX is thesis.tex.
Please read the comments in the file to see how you can modify the
behavior of LaTeX for your specific needs (MS Plan A, Plan B, etc.).
It is processed using the commands:

latex thesis.tex
bibtex thesis.tex (or sample-chapter1, etc., if using multiple-paper format)
latex thesis.tex
latex thesis.tex

Note that the example document gives several style examples, such as
how to reference figures, tables, equations, and other things.  It
also shows how to format citations for use in the References section.
The latest revision also includes the new requirement for a "public

Also note the example of how quotes are used in the text, particularly
block quotes.  Since the Graduate School requires that block quotes be
single-spaced, the kludge found in the example is necessary.

A common problem that students have is that cross-reference, figure,
equation, section, and table numbering might get messed up.  Often
this is simply because there are old "cache" files in your working
directory.  If you have problems, just erase all of the old .aux,
.dvi, .toc, etc. files generated by LaTeX or BibTeX and rerun LaTeX.

Finally, the Graduate School requires that figures appear after they
are referenced.  To make sure this happens, you should insert the
float environment into the text of your document *after* the reference
as in:

The image of interest is shown in \ref{fig:myFig}.


This will work with the "flafter" package to guarantee that the float
follows the environment call-out.
This version of the style includes support for hyperlinks within the
document.  The default setting creates links that are black, and allow
for direct printing of the document for hard copy binding.  If you
would like, you can create the final digital document with hyperlinks
that are distinguishable by changing the color of the hyperlinks to

Hints on Graphics:

As you start out on writing your thesis/project/dissertation, put some
thought beforehand into creating clean graphics.  The best way to do
so is to create all of your figures directly in
encapsulated-postscript (EPS) if you are using dvips and latex, or
into PDF if you are using pdflatex.  This is because these are vector
graphics types, which means they are scalable and don't become "jaggy"
or "pixelated" when enlarged or shrunk.  A second reason is that IEEE
usually needs .pdf files for both journal and conference paper
submission, and your paper is immediately compatible and of the best
graphic quality.  In contrast, a JPEG image can't be enlarged without
creating image defects. (You are, of course, interested in submitting
your work to a journal or conference.)

Sometimes you can't conveniently create an .eps or .pdf file (notable
case: images).  In that case use either JPEG or PNG.  These can be
included and used with pdflatex directly, or converted to EPS using
any of the (freely available) conversion tools.

The TikZ-related packages can be used to create good-looking
graphics.  At the current time, when run with latex to create a .dvi
file, the xdvi viewer will produce incorrect formatting for the TikZ
figures.  If the .dvi file is converted to pdf using "dvipdf" the
resulting pdf file is correct.  If this example is used with
pdflatex, the resulting TikZ figures in the output look fine.

If you find that the style file does not do something and you need to
make changes, be sure your changes (after debugging) are uploaded to
the repository for this distribution.  Dr. Budge can get you set up to
do that.  The same request goes for adding text in the example files
to show how the new features you added are used.

What about multiple-paper format?

The Graduate School allows for dissertations with multiple-paper
format.  Support is added in the templates to put a list of references
at the end of each chapter (paper).  Uncomment the appropriate
sections in thesis.tex, sample-chapter1.tex and sample-chapter2.tex to
use this feature.


MS Thesis Spring 2019


Language:TeX 100.0%