partmor / ezaero

ezaero - Easy aerodynamics in Python :airplane:

Home Page:

Repository from Github https://github.compartmor/ezaeroRepository from Github https://github.compartmor/ezaero


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ezaero (easy-aero) is an open source Python package oriented to implement numerical methods for Aerodynamics, such as the 3D Vortex lattice Method for lifting surfaces.


Documentation Status

API documentation and examples can be found on


You can check out the examples in the gallery, and export them as .py scripts or Jupyter notebooks to continue exploring!


To install the package, simply use pip:

$ pip install ezaero


ezaero has the following dependencies:

  • Python (>=3.7)
  • NumPy
  • matplotlib

ezaero is tested on Linux, Windows and OS X on Python 3.7 and 3.8.

Platform Site Status
Linux / OS X Travis CI travisci
Windows x64 Appveyor appveyor


All contributions and suggestions are welcome! For more details, check out CONTRIBUTING.rst.


This library is a free-time project. I am using as a means to:

  1. Experiment the performance of several scientific computing packages and tools applied to a computation-intensive application.
  2. Dive deep into the Python Open Source community.
  3. Redo properly (in terms of performance optimization, SW best practices, ...) a project I enjoyed a lot during my Master Thesis, back in 2014.

My thesis covered the analysis of the aeroelastic response of an UAV in a gust scenario.

My plan is to implement the following modules:

  • 3D steady VLM [Done]
  • 3D unsteady VLM
  • Wing motion equation solver (aeroelastic response)

If for some reason you run across this project, and find it useful or have suggestions, don't be shy! feel free to contribute or drop me a line.


ezaero - Easy aerodynamics in Python :airplane:

License:MIT License


Language:Python 99.4%Language:Shell 0.6%