particl / hardware-wallet-playground

Development & test environment for hardware wallets & their integration with particl-core.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

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         /:::/    /            \::::::/    /                               
        /:::/    /              \::::/    /                                
        \::/    /                \::/____/                                 
         \/____/                  ~~                                       

Hardware Wallet Playground

The purpose of this repository is to provide an easy to setup development & test environment for hardware wallets & their integration with particl-core. All builds are executed inside docker containers, the binaries created by these docker files are transferable and can be ran on other machines. A docker-compose is used to setup the test environment.

Table Of Contents


This playground is only available for linux.


git clone
cd hardware-wallet-playground/
make init
make test


A comprehensive list of all commands that are available.

make init

Clones all the required repositories into the subdirectories & writes it to the configuration file.

make init

make target=[all | core | ledger | trezor] build

Builds everything (default target = all):

make build

Builds a specific target:

make target=core build

make target=[all | ledger | trezor] test

Executes build command on core (+ specified target) first. Boots up the containers (emulators & particl-core). Once an emulator container is up and running, it will add that emulator to particl-core and run the respective test suite (ledger / trezor). Tests against the different emulators are ran sequentially. Will shutdown the existing docker containers and clean up everything.

Tests everything (default target = all):

make test

Test a specific target:

make target=ledger test

make target=[all | core | ledger | trezor] clean

Runs make clean in every source folder.

Cleans everything (default target = all):

make clean

Clean a specific target:

make target=ledger clean

make node=[stake | ledger | trezor ] shell

Get a shell into a the container of node.

make node=stake shell

Only available as long as the test environment is up.

make node=[stake | ledger | trezor ] command="getnetworkinfo" rpc

Runs command againt a particular node through particl-cli.

Retrieve the network information from node 0:

make node=stake command="getnetworkinfo" rpc

Only available as long as the test environment is up.

make model=[nanos] vnc

Opens instance of vncviewer to the device for manual inspection.

make model=nanos vnc

Firmware Supported

Brand Model Supported
Ledger NanoS WIP
Ledger NanoX WIP
Trezor Trezor One WIP
Trezor Trezor T WIP

Folder Layout

  • src/ contains all the source repositories cloned through git. You can directly work & edit in these.
  • bin/ contains the particl-core binary & emulator firmware.
  • scripts/ contains all the scripts that you can execute through the make commands.
  • docker/ contains all docker files to build & run each repo in src/ & a docker-compose file for the test environment.
  • configs/ contains the datadirectory for particl-core (which is binded to the container in the testing orchestration)
  • test/ contains all the tests & test related utilities.

Docker Information

All processes (compiling source codes & executing tests) runs inside docker containers that are orchestrated using docker-compose. This simplifies the bootstrapping process for new developers and provides an additional level of security to protect your host system.

Docker Files

  • build-legder-app-particl:
    • builds the ledger app firmware (when executing the docker container)
    • stores the binary under bin/ as particl.elf
  • build-particl-core:
    • builds particl-core daemon and cli (when executing the docker container)
    • stores the binaries under bin/ as particld & particl-cli.
  • run-particl-core:
    • binaries & data directory must be mounted inside as (particld + particl-cli) & /data respectively.
    • runs particl-core daemon (particld),
  • run-tests:
    • Setup: sets up the wallet & connects the right particl-core instances with their respective hardware emulator.
    • Testing: runs test suite against the particl-core daemons.

Docker Compose File

The orchestration of the test environment is provided by docker/test-compose.yaml.

The compose file will spin up a network of multiple containers:

  • 1 Ledger NanoS emulator
    • ledger-speculos-nanos:
  • 1 Trezor One emulator
  • 3 particl-core daemons:
    • core-stake-node: this node is responsible for generating blocks on the regnet.
    • core-ledger-nanos-node: this node is connected with the Ledger NanoS emulator & can be tested against.
    • core-trezor-one-node: this node is connected with the Trezor One emulator & can be tested against.


Development & test environment for hardware wallets & their integration with particl-core.


Language:Shell 68.0%Language:Dockerfile 22.0%Language:Makefile 8.9%Language:Python 1.0%