parthvishah / machine_translation

Machine translation system for two language: Chinese to English and Vietnamese to English

Repository from Github https://github.comparthvishah/machine_translationRepository from Github https://github.comparthvishah/machine_translation

Machine Translation System for Vietnamese-English and Chinese-English

Model Language Best Validation BLEU
RNN encoder without attention Vi-EN 11.55
RNN encoder with attention Vi-EN 27.62
Convolution encoder with attention Vi-EN 7.5
Self attention encoder Vi-EN 16.14
RNN encoder without attention Zh-EN 7.59
RNN encoder with attention Zh-EN 17.19
Self attention encoder Vi-EN 7.31


Machine translation system for two language: Chinese to English and Vietnamese to English


Language:Jupyter Notebook 96.3%Language:Python 3.7%