parthnan / Shell-With-n-Pipe-in-C

Built a shell using C system libraries. Its Specialty is the implementation of n-length pipes of commands, in an easy-to-understand way. Supported Commands are listed in

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Built a basic shell using C, with added functionalities(script support, pipes of any length etc.).


Download onlineshell.c file, compile with gcc on a unix based terminal and run the ".o" file.


Supported Commands/Features are listed below, alongwith the test results on a Linux Terminal.

1. alias

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2. dirs, pushd and popd

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3. echo,ls with all options

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4. History related commands: history,!,!!,!5,!-7 etc.

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5. Inter-command logic : OR(||),AND(&&),AS WELL AS(;)

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6. rmdir and mkdir alongwith -m and -p options

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7. piping with any length of pipes. Example :

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8. Freely changing prompts :

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9. Running scripts. In the Example below, the file "shellfile" has a script of 3 lines(top part of image), which can be run

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10. Supports Wildcard character "*" in all places! For example, in 「ls -l *.c」 etc. Another Example below :

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Built a shell using C system libraries. Its Specialty is the implementation of n-length pipes of commands, in an easy-to-understand way. Supported Commands are listed in


Language:C 100.0%