Parth Gondaliya (parth-gondaliya)


Geek Repo

Company:Hectabit solution



Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Parth Gondaliya's repositories


Altery is a public aid portal where locals may come with their difficulties and the government will be notified as soon as possible. Users can use the app to file a complaint about a personal or general issue by filling out a complaint form and submitting it to the appropriate government department.



This is a cloud-based hotel reservation system, where customers are allowed to register and book available rooms, and opt for services, such as Food. The Hotel Management component of the application allow registrations, and create invoices considering the stay, food ordered etc. A virtual assistance provides two different types of services, such as basic website navigation, and room availability check by guest users, and managing booking, ordering food by authorized hotel customers. There is an additional service, which is tour operator, and the service will be activated only if a tour is requested. The tour related operations are not part of the application, but is a component, which needs some integration with the actual application. Fig 1 shows an overview of the application.



The project is all about the finding the trip as traveler and accepting the trip as host in all over the world. Any user can be a traveler and Host for renting their place and services. The core idea of project is maintaining the trip and managing the budget and expense. If anyone wants to be a traveler, then he/she needs to sign up and login into the system. If user wants to be a traveler, they can add the trips (city, country, date of trip etc.) and can make the request for the host. As a traveler, I can add number of trips along with single budget associated with it. Moreover, to keep track of all the expense of trips user also can add the expenses with category wise. The interesting part here is user can select their own category while creating the trips. User can edit and delete the expense and as there is chance that they have added by mistake. As host, the user can see the whole request from others traveler in all over the world and can select the traveler for their trip. User also can search the traveler based on city or country. Every host has the power to rate the traveler for once and based on that rating other host can get the idea of selecting the traveler. The Rating for the user has been calculating using total rating till now divided by total number of rated trips and based on that part each user will be rated. We are sending the mail on exceeding budget of traveler, signup confirmation and acceptance of request by host to notify the user with updated information in their account.



Our project can distinguish between a regular query and a transaction, as indicated in the issue statement. If a user wishes to begin the transaction, he must first log in using proper credentials. Then he must select the write query option that is shown to him; as soon as he does, a new prompt with a query will appear. If a user wishes to initiate a transaction, he or she must first use the syntax "Begin Transaction;" A new prompt with transaction will appear as soon as he writes the syntax. Until the system encounters commit, statement, the user will be free to write queries.Following the commit statement, all of the user's requests are saved in an array string and separated using a regular expression



The prevalence of digital pictures, especially from smart phones, has increased the number of images and videos of people. At the same time, the abundance of storage space tends to have people not delete pictures or videos that they take. Consequently, finding images and videos increases in difficulty. Genealogy (the study and tracing of lines of descendants) is well-established for tracing and tracking family relations, but doesn’t have good ties into the richer sets of pictures that exist today or to archived pictures that are now being digitized. Ideally, when a genealogist asks about the great grandmother of person X, they would like to get the set of pictures for the individual as well as their name. This project will create a system that links family tree information with an archive of pictures and the metadata of the pictures



It's for the Debouncing in react for simple use in the project. We have created the project (NPM public package).
