parsa-abbasi / EiffelCompiler

Explore the principal ideas and techniques of compiler construction based on Eiffel programming language

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Explore the principal ideas and techniques of compiler construction based on Eiffel programming language


Eiffel is an object-oriented programming language designed by Bertrand Meyer (an object-orientation proponent and author of Object-Oriented Software Construction) and Eiffel Software. Meyer conceived the language in 1985 with the goal of increasing the reliability of commercial software development; the first version becoming available in 1986. In 2005, Eiffel became an ISO-standardized language. (wikipedia)


Phase1 - Lexical analyzer

Following tokens must be recognized :

1. Five keywords

e.g. "feature" | "class" | "do" | "end" | "INTEGER" | "STRING" | "REAL"
some other examples :
"alias" | "assign" | "once" | "inherit" | "redefine" | "if" | "create" | "else" | "require" | "ensure" | "local" | "BOOLEAN" | "DOUBLE" | ...

2. Identifier

Identifier is a sequence of one or more alphanumeric characters of which the first is letter.

The words of an identifier can be separated by "_" in Eiffel.

For example its_an_identifier

3. Integer literal

e.g. -868, +862542, 2450, 0, 0x34A, +0, ...

4. Floating point literal

e.g. 0.98, .985, 56.0, +0.95, -10.95657875, -0.85, -0.00, ...

5. String literal

String started and finished with quotation mark in Eiffel.

Note: We can have quotation mark in our string with [%"] (Merely in Eiffel)

e.g. "Hello"

6. White Space

New line and white space

e.g "	left tab"

7. Delimiters (such as “(“, “)”, “[“, …)

e.g. "(" , ")" , "{" , "}" , "[" , "]" , "|" , "'" , [\"]

8. Operators

  • Logic operators
e.g. "and" , "or" , "xor" , "not"
  • Semistrict logic operators
 e.g. "and then" , "or else" , "implies"
  • Comparison operators
e.g. "<" , ">" , "<=" , ">="
  • Mathematical operators
e.g. "+" , "-" , "*" , "/"
  • Some other stuff
e.g. ":=" , "=" , "/=" , "//" , "\\" , "^" , ".." , "|..|" 

9. Comment

Comments started with "--"

e.g. -- this is a comment

The lexical analyzer must be able to get an input file that is to be scanned and all recognized tokens must be printed in console along with the line number and column number in which the token is detected.

Phase2 - Syntactic analyzer

The syntactic analyzer must be able to get an input file for parsing. The input file contains a whole program written in the selected language with following structures:

  • A subprogram (function)
  • Two integer variable declarations (X and Y)
  • A loop (for, while, do, etc.)
  • A conditional structure (if, case, etc.)

The logic of program is as follows:

The subprogram prints “Hello World” for X times (X contains an arbitrary integer literal) using the loop structure if the value of an integer is greater than Y (Y contains an arbitrary integer literal), else prints “Bye”.

Notes: at this phase, your program must only parse the input code NOT generate an executable file. It must report appropriate error messages when the input program does not follows the grammar of the selected language (regarding the specified scope of the grammar).

Connection to your scanner : A parser must cooperate with a scanner to parse an input file. We use our scanner created in the previous phase.


  • JFlex - The Fast Scanner Generator for Java
  • Cup - Construction of Useful Parsers (An LALR parser generator for Java)
  • Eclipse IDE


See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.


Compiler Design - University of Guilan []

Instructor: Abdollah Esmaeilpour [Linkedin page]

Useful Sources

Official Website of Eiffel :

Eiffel Syntax Guide :

JFlex Official Website :

Cup Website :


Explore the principal ideas and techniques of compiler construction based on Eiffel programming language


Language:Java 89.9%Language:Lex 10.1%