parklet / tracked

Function decorators and helper methods for use with Mixpanel

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


JavaScript Library for Mixpanel tracking through function decoration.


  • Created against Mixpanel v2.2
  • Underscore.js >= v1.4

Available options:

* Wrap functions to be tracked by Mixpanel with the return object
* Parameters:
* name - Mixpanel event name
* fn - Function being wrapped
* properties - Additional properties to be tracked. If they are the same as
*               values in the function return object, they will be overridden.
* Returns: Function that will call the passed in function with the correct context and parameters
tracked(name, fn, properties);

* Wrap functions to be tracked by Mixpanel with the return object *and the passed in parameters*
* Parameters:
* name - Mixpanel event name
* fn - Function being wrapped
* properties - Additional properties to be tracked. If they are the same as
*               values in the function return object or passed in arguments, they will be overridden.
*               A special parameter __converter__ can be passed in to manipulate the format of the original arguments.
*               This can be useful when the function being decorated does not take an object as input.
* Returns: Function that will call the passed in function with the correct context and parameters
trackedWithArguments(name, fn, properties);

* Helper function for converting Mixpanel special properties into the correct names for the People API.
* Parameters:
* properties - Properties to be tracked.

Example Usage:


Basic usage look would look like this:

var importantFunction = tracked("Important", function () { /*...*/ });
// Your function can now be used as normal.

A popular use case is if you want to track that a user clicked on something.

$("").click(tracked("Money clicked", function (e) {
  // ...

You could also generalize this to track everywhere a user clicks.

$(document).on("click", tracked("User clicked", function (e) { return { target : }; });

Sometimes you want to track some state that is external to what a function returns.

$(document).on("use:bombs", tracked("Bombs used", function (e) {
  // ...
}, { level : 4 });

This is great, but it can be more useful to calculate that state dynamically.

var getGameState = function () { /*...*/ };
// ...
$(document).on("use:bombs", tracked("Bombs used", function (e) {
  // ...
}, getGameState);


Sometimes you don't want to just track the output of a function but the arguments too. That's what trackedWithArguments is for.

var importantFunction = trackedWithArguments("Important", function (parameters) { /*...*/ });
// Your function can now be used as normal.

This works great if you function just takes an Object as an argument. For everything else you can pass a __converter__ function to format those arguments for Mixpanel. Note: The __converter__ function will have the same context as the original function.

var importantFunction = trackedWithArguments("Important",
  function (arg1, arg2) { /*...*/ },
  { __converter__ : function (args) {
    // ...
    return output; // Just be sure to return an object
// Your function can now be used as normal.


peopleSet is an alternative way of calling mixpanel.people.set. It handles converting property names to their respective special property names. Currently, it will convert the following property names.

{"$created" : ["created", "created_at", "createdAt", "created at"],
"$email" : ["email", "primary_email", "primaryEmail", "primary email"],
"$first_name" : ["first_name", "firstName", "first", "first name"],
"$last_name" : ["last_name", "lastName", "last", "last name"],
"$name" : ["name", "full_name", "fullName", "full name"],
"$username" : ["username", "user_name", "userName", "user name"],
"$country_code" : ["country_code", "countryCode", "country", "country code"],
"$region" : ["region", "state", "province"],
"$city" : ["city", "town", "village"]}

Now you don't need to think about what things need to be converted to a special name so that you can get the most out of the Mixpanel Engage features.

peopleSet({email : "", name : "Goober McGoob", rank : "Space Cadet" });

This is probably most useful when you are pulling attributes off of a model and don't want to think about the conversion.


Inspired by: Python's function decorator syntax and this function combinators library by Reg Braithwaite.


Function decorators and helper methods for use with Mixpanel