paris-culture / memorys

A Memorial Book For the COVID-19 Epidemy (For those who suffer in silence)

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A Memorial Book

For those who suffer

The Covid-19 was a disaster for the most of us, especially the most vulnerable and frail among us..

A shared space to express your selfe

This book is the space for all of you to share your story, emotion, and opinion it also the space to comfort others who have moved us.

A Memorial to the COVID Victims

A duty of remembrance

"un devoir de mémoire une obligation morale de se souvenir de cet événement historique aussi tragique et de ses victimes."

Acollaborative Book

anyone can participate, and everyone is welcome. you can write your story, share you emotion, in any language and any form ..

This repo was initially generated from a bookdown template available here:

Demo Video

A demo video showing how to create a bookdown book following these instructions:

Additional features

Please consult the official guide to bookdown:


A Memorial Book For the COVID-19 Epidemy (For those who suffer in silence)