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practicing golang using ardanlabs practicle golang foundations

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practicing golang using ardanlabs practicle golang foundations

Strings and Formatting

Files to look -> banner/banner.go

  • If you run banner fuction with emoji whitespace of function call with emoji will not get printed because go uses utf-8 encoding ~= rune type in go and utf-8 differ from 1 byte to 4 byte so english words are of 1 byte and emojis are of 3 bytes due to which padding calucation will get differ, and len() method on go returns number of bytes not number of char.

  • Range on string go on char by char that is on of the mechanical what difference b/w range and len

  • So strings in go can be of byte i.e utf-8 or int32 i.e rune

  • Basic type in go we do not have any method associated to them we do not have string.someMethod but we have string library which can perform string operation like substr

  • to fix the formatting bug we can utf8 package RuneCountInString methdo to count all rune instead of going by bytes

  • Use #v while logging/debugging as it mention its type Ex: fmt.Print("#%v) it will log value with type ex: "1" for string instead of 1

  • If we are doing a string operation which need to access index convert that string to rune and return string its a good practice

  • %x in formatting printing can convert []byte to strign ex: fmt.Sprintf("%x", some[]ByteTypeVar)

Calling rest API and working with JSON

  • Http header is of type http.Header which is a map we are not directly using go's map coz http header can be case insensetive

  • log.Fatalf is equivalent to log.Printf() && os.Exit(1)

  • serialization is a process of converting type to bytes and deserialization is process to taking byte and converting it into server side type it is also known as marshelling and unmarshalling respectively, most common serialization and deserialization method is JSON other example are XML, protobuff etc.

JSON <-> GO type conversion

  • true/false -> true/false
  • string -> string
  • null -> nil
  • number -> float64(by default), float32, int64, int32, int8, uint8...
  • array -> []any or []interface{} (before go 1.18 when generic was not defined)
  • object -> map[string]any, struct

encoding/JSON API

  • JSON -> io.Reader -> Go: json.Decoder
  • JSON -> []byte -> Go: json.Unmarshal
  • GO -> io.Wrtier -> json: json.Encoder
  • GO -> []byte -> json: json.Marshal

Working with file

  • file.Open will open the file but we need to close that file also coz any system has limited amount of fileDescriptors so if we open multiple file and forgot to close it then file Descriptor limit will get fulfilled and we will not be able to open more new file you can check your limit via ulimit -a

  • in go we use file.Close to close the file but we usually call it with defer keyword defer keyword run the line of code at the end of function call if multiple defers are there then it will run in reverse order

  • if any interface provide close method its good practice to close it using defer


  • len -> to get the len of a slice and len is nil safe i.e for nil slice len is 0

  • slicing operation slice[start:end] including start excluding end

  • for tricks on slice you can check this


  • Go compile does escape analysis and if we are returning a pointer then it will create it on heap

  • Go build go build gcflags=-m to see the escape analysis done by compiler

  • go clean clean all the previous go build

  • we can add receiver to the struct and create a method receiver act similar to this of other langauge but we have to type of recievers value and pointer so pointer receiver change the original value and value receivers do not

  • if we want to move the struct around use pointer receivers else use value receivers

  • we should never mix receivers type once it is defined as value type throught the code it should be value type this should be decided during desinging of struct else mix receivers cause integrity issue in the code but there is one exception to it i.e marshalling and unmarshelling shloud be of pointer receivers even tough we desided to go with value type receivers

  • struct can embed another struct by doing so we can directly access the mothod/value to the parent struct

  • If parent struct and embeded struct have same method then it will be overriden by parent struct but you can access it via parent.nestedStruct.CommonMethod will call the parent one only

  • If 2 field are embeded in a struct and both have common key/field then if we try to access parent.CommonKey will give comiple time error and compiler do not konw from which struct we need to pick CommonKey

  • Embeding is not inheritance if want to know more look for inheritance vs embedding


  • To group different type of struct/data by what it does we define an interface for it

  • Its convention/good practice in go to make interface small usually 2 or less then 2 methods are there in go standard lib

  • to group the interface we need to be explicit i.e if interface is implemented via pointer sematinc grouping will going to have pointer value if implemented via value semantics we need to group it as value not by referance

  • There is a rule of thum in go accepts interfaces and return types not always applied but yeah

  • In go we can write a method to a type which represents a string representation of type that can be done using syntax func (t type) String() string{...}

  • Stringer interface implemented by stirng is the reason for the above way of representation

  • go's staticcheck and go vet use to do the code analysis

  • go test run go vet before running go test


  • Use recover() to detect panic in a method but if we want to return the error also instead if sending/Logging the error we can to it by giving name to return type

maps regex and files

  • In go we have strings("") and we also have raw string (``) in raw string no need to escaping and we can also create multiline string using raw string

  • Global variable compile before main so avoide using it until and unless its a design decesion also defining regex as a global also an exception

  • init() fxn are also the fun which run before main

  • Regular expression use raw string syntax as there are lot of char that may need to escape so to avoide that

  • Always comment a example in your regular expression

  • Always comment on map type for ex: var stock map[string]float64 // stock symbol -> price

  • To determine difference b/w zero value or missing value use val, ok syntax in map

  • When we read the value from nil map its ok (i.e var m map[T1]T2 is a nil initialization of map) but when we write to it; it will panic to initialize we can use make or use litral defination

  • Use newBufferScanner to scan a line from a file it behaves like an iterator


  • To invoke a goroutine we use keyword go and once its invoked its on its own go will not wait for it to complete i.e if main goroutine exits it does not care about other goroutine

  • If we are looping and inside loop we are calling a gorouitine then the clouser var value that it will take of iterator i will be same if no wait group is used one fix is use a parameter in goroutine there are 2 fix available use pass a parameter to the go routine or make a showed variable of iterator

  • Goroutine use channels to communicate and there are 2 operation on channel send and receive ch <- "hi" // send or msg := <-ch // receive

Channel Semantics

  • Channels are not queue
  • Go routine generate the message and main method consume
  • Doing a range on channel go do not know how many channel will come you need to tell channel that some thing is not coming you can do it by closing a channel
  • Channels are one directional and use to communicate b/w go routine
  • send & receive will block until opposite operation (*)
    • Buffered channel has cap(ch) non-blocking sends
  • receive from a closed channel will return the zero value without blocking
  • send to a closed channel will panic
  • closing a closed channel will panic
  • send/receive to a nil channel will block forever
  • Receving from close channel will give its zero value and to find its a zero value of user enter zero value use val, ok := <- some chan syntax

See also

Sync and mutex

  • this is alos a primitve type but provided as a package
  • we've errorgroup package in external go package can be used if only error is something we return in our concurrent design
  • sync.Once adding it to struct will help us to run cetrain method only once this process also k/as idempotence
  • go run -race will log warning
    • why it does not there by default by we need to add the answer is -race is very slow it affect performance 5-10 times but while testing we use -race
  • sync/atomic is lower level mutex it can provide operation like atomic.AddInt64(&val, valToAdd) and it will be perfom under proper lock like we do for mutex its just more lower level primitve type
  • If a common value is shared and wrtten under various go routine use mutext
  • If multiple go routine is there then we can use select to select the first channel
  • We use timeout in select via time.After(5*time.Second) to perform time out if no channel receive anything whithin certain time
  • To block a code we can use for{} it will run infinitly but it consumes cpu what we can also do is run a go routine and call select{} it will also block forever but it wont consume cpu
  • Most common case for select is for timeout anc cancellation
  • We can also use cotnext timeouts
  • Context are pass down and context are created from context so context.Background is used as a starting context
  • Context.Timeout used for timeout operation over select
  • Context need to pass around everytime
  • Context also has key value
  • Use buffer channel to avoide go routine leak as select will going to select one channel but remaining go rouitine will run causing go routine leak so to avoide use buffer bit chanel should have size of 1 buffer or it sohuld have to be unbuffer
  • Everytime we do a network operation we should use context and specially with timeout


practicing golang using ardanlabs practicle golang foundations

License:MIT License


Language:Go 100.0%