parasg1999 / Medium-Backend

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

* This was made as a submission for an interview assignment, so marking this as an archived repo!

Medium Backend

This is the implementation for how I think the backend of a blogging platform like Medium would function.

Note There is a warning when starting the server which looks like

Warning: Accessing non-existent property 'MongoError' of module exports inside circular dependency

According to a MongoDB Employee, this is a warning that will be fixed in the next release and is safe to ignore.

Open Endpoints

These endpoints don't require authentication

Account related

Blog related

Endpoints that require Authentication

Closed endpoints require a valid Token to be included in the header of the request. A Token can be acquired from the Login (check above).

The token should be passed as the value of the header called Authorization.

Account related

Blog related

Extra features

These are the features that I have not implemented due to time contraints but could be done in the same way as the others

  • Updating blogs, comments and user profile : These features can be implemented in the same manner as creating new objects. The same validation functions can be used.
  • Single image upload : While writing blogs, users wmy want to include images in the body, so the frontend will use this route for uploading the image and get the url of the image to be displayed. This is same as uploading bannerImage but will need a separate route.



Language:JavaScript 100.0%