paras1te-x / PyBotnet

Simple HTTP Pull Botnet with a very cool Web Based C&C Panel

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This is an HTTPs Pull Botnet : The victims are always active and every 30 seconds (you can change the time for request), must send a request to the C&C Panel for check if there are commands to execute.

The botnet is very useful for passive control, like credentials harvesting or malware spamming, but not for commands execution in-live because the host doesn't contact the victim (however, there is a reverse shell option).


  • Requests library (for all the requests realized)
  • PyCrypto (for crypting and hashing)
  • CherryPy (for the http server)
  • Jinja2 (for the templates)


Aside from the Server, Core (the agent) and the HTML Web Pages, there is a simple script, named that you can use for initialize, delete and view the dbs. Here you can see the help message: Help Message , while here youcan see the various usages: Usages.

Something More

The botnet is very simple: as soon as the bot is infected, it will send to the Server Web API* a request to the /welcome/, and trough JSON, it will send the Key (that's the pc-user encoded with SHA512 and MD5), the username, the IP, the location, a simple uname and other infos that will be memorized in the Bots table of the DB bots.db (created with sqlite using py init).

  • API = the API are the pages that contains only the things that the bots must see.

Immediately after, the bot begin to send every 30 seconds (default time) some requests to the API at the page /check_cmd/<their key>, and if there are commands in queque in the table CmdsIn of the DB cmds.db, they will be returned, vested from the bots and executed for send the output at the /cmd_out/ throug JSON, that will be stored in the table CmdsOut on the DB cmds.db.

As you will have guessed, all is based on the Keys of the bots, that identify all of them and are used for get infos, give commands and read outputs.

The authentication, is based on the session of CherryPy, and will be enforced by a simple header (LoggedIn), that verify if the key of the BotMaster is OK. The auth happens when BotMaster Key, and User+Pass are OK. All the things, such as login,requests from the bot, etc .... are logged using the logging function of CherryPy, that grab IP, date and some infos on the request.

This botnet provide a very beautiful web panel, written in HTML+Bootstrap+Chart.js,and allow you to:

  • Control and manage all the bots
  • Send commands to bots
  • Have a nice view of the data sent and received

Get Started

This botnet is composed by 2 main files: (that's the HTTP Server that contains API, C&C Panel, the DBs of sqlite and the session), and the file, that is the agent with which infect the bots.

  1. Execute the following command: py init
  2. Edit all the GLOBAL variables with your configuration (inside, like HOST, DB_PATH, API and other
  3. Execute the Server using the following command on the server machine: py
  4. Go to localhost:8080
  5. Login using the user, the pass* and the key of the botmaster
  6. Execute the on the victim machine, using a command like this: py
  7. Wait some seconds that the Agent send us all the infos
  8. Explore the C&C Panel !!! (check the Commands table)
  • Pass = The password will be generated automatically using AES and base64 encoding, therefore you must copy it every time that you execute the server, because it is one-time valid.

The credentials can be obtained only from Chrome, and will be memorized in the Creds table of the creds.db DB; After, you can see they for every single bot. If you want get the credentias, you will insert as command to execute, the special keyword cred, that execute the cred module in the Agent.

Some photos here:

Server Started Login Botnet DashBoard View Bot From Key Bots Requests CMD In CMD Out

And, if you give the cred command ...... you can obtain all the credentials stealed from the Chrome Credentials DB, that will be reported on the Web Panel like this: Cred Page

After a revision of the code I've:

  • Added the DDOS Module
  • Added the DDOS & Malware Map of Karspersky (very cools)
  • Deleted some bugs on the section that receives commands and outputs


The DDOS functionality is very simply, and is inspired by Nicco and Vitto ;;)) For launch a DDOS attack, you must specify only the command and the server:port, giving as input something like this: ddos www.<test_site>.com:80. Going to the CMD panel, you will see that the output is: Dossed <site_that_you_have_entered>:<port>


Command Description
$simple_command_to_execute_directly_(like_ls) Simply executed as a normal command
cred Obtain all the credentials stored in the Chrome DB
ddos Launch a DDOS Attack


  • Add some graphs on the DashBoard page
  • Add the Credential Grabber Module
  • Add the web page for managing the credentials
  • Add the DDOS Module
  • Add the DDOS Map (using Karspersky Map)
  • Add the ngrok server for remote tunnelling (see PyBotnet Web if my server is enabled (the address can be variable))
  • Add the possibility to change port and host of the server
  • Add persistence


Simple HTTP Pull Botnet with a very cool Web Based C&C Panel


Language:Python 53.4%Language:HTML 40.7%Language:JavaScript 5.9%