paraglade / terraform-rancher2-project

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Rancher2 terraform module for project

Rancher2 terraform module for deploying a project and its resources. This terraform module is using the Rancher2 terraform provider to create and manage apps, config maps, namespaces, project role bindings and secrets

Module will do following tasks:

  • Connect to Rancher2 server
  • Wait until the cluster is active and all catalgos are downloaded (wait_for_catalogs variable)
  • Create Rancher2 project and its resources:
    • apps
    • config maps
    • namespaces
    • project role bindings
    • secrets



This module accept the following variables as input:

# Required variables
variable "project" {
  type = object({
    cluster_id = string
    name = string
    project_limit = map(string)
    namespace_default_limit = map(string)
    role_bindings = map(map(string))
  description = "Rancher2 project to be created"

# Optional variables
variable "config_maps" {
  type = map(object({
    namespace = string
    data = map(string)
  default = {}
  description = "Add config maps to be created within a project namespace"
variable "disable_prefix" {
  type = bool
  default = false
  description = "By default, all project resources names will have the prefix `<project_name>-`. Set this to true to disable it."
variable "wait_for_catalogs" {
  type        = bool
  default     = true
  description = "By default, project will wait until all catalogs are downloaded. Set this to false to disable it."
variable "namespaces" {
  type = list(string)
  default = []
  description = "Add namespaces to be created within the project"
variable "secrets" {
  type = map(object({
    namespace = string  # namespace should be added first at variable namespaces
    type = string 
    data = map(string)
  default = {}
  description = "Add secrets to be created within a project namespace"
variable "apps" {
  type = map(object({
    namespace = string  # namespace should be added first at variable namespaces
    repo_name = string
    chart_name = string
    chart_version = string
    values = string
  default = {}
  description = "Add apps to be created within a project namespace"


This module use the following variables as ouput:

output "rancher2_project" {
  value = rancher2_project.project

output "rancher2_project_role_template_bindings" {
  value = rancher2_project_role_template_binding.project_role_template_bindings
  sensitive = true

output "rancher2_namespaces" {
  value = rancher2_namespace.namespaces
  sensitive = true

output "rancher2_config_maps" {
  value = rancher2_config_map_v2.config_maps
  sensitive = true

output "rancher2_secrets" {
  value = rancher2_secret_v2.secrets
  sensitive = true

output "rancher2_apps" {
  value = rancher2_app_v2.apps
  sensitive = true

How to use

This tf module can be used standalone or combined with other tf modules.

Requirements for use standalone:

  • Rancher2 server up and running
  • Rancher2 url and access token
  • Input project info with required variables
  • Input project additional resources info with optional variables

Add the following to your tf file:

# Rancher2 provider should be configured here or using env vars
provider "rancher2" {
  api_url = <RANCHER_URL>
  token_key = <RANCHER_TOKEN>

module "rancher2-project" {
  source = ""

  # Required variables
  project = {
    cluster_id = "local"
    disable_prefix = true
    name = "test"
    project_limit = {
      limits_cpu = "2"
      limits_memory = "2Gi"
      requests_storage = "10Gi"
    namespace_default_limit = {
      limits_cpu = "1"
      limits_memory = "1Gi"
      requests_storage = "10Gi"
    role_bindings = {
      admin = {
        role_template_id = "admin"
        user_principal_id = "local://<user>"
  # Optional variables
  namespaces = {
    myapp: {
      limit = {
        limits_cpu = "2"
        limits_memory = "2Gi"
        requests_storage = "10Gi"
    grafana = {
      limit = null
  config_maps = {
    myapp-config = {
      namespace = "myapp"  # namespace should be added first at variable namespaces
      data = {
        "v1.json" = "[{\"foo\": \"var\"}]"
        "v2.json" = file("config/myapp/v2.json")
  secrets = {
    myapp-admin = {
      namespace = "myapp"  # namespace should be added first at variable namespaces
      type = null
      data = {
        "admin-user" = "myapp_user"
        "admin-password" = "myapp_pass"
  apps = {
    myapp = {
      namespace = "myapp"  # namespace should be added first at variable namespaces
      repo_name = "myapp_repo"
      chart_name = "myapp_chart"
      chart_version = "myapp_version"
      values = file("config/grafana.yaml")


Copyright (c) 2014-2021 Rancher Labs, Inc.

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.


License:Apache License 2.0


Language:HCL 100.0%