papuapost / raindrops

WordPress theme files

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Raindrops WordPress Theme

wp3.jpg wp3-thumbnail.jpg,arrows-vs.png, icons32-vs.png,bg.png,c.gif,footer.png,footer,png,footerbck.gif,footerbck.png,h2.gif,h2,png,h2b.png,h2c.png,header.png,info.png,ja-em.png,link.png,next.png,number.png,previus.png,requre.png,rss.png,sidebar.png,sticky.png,stop.png,topbck.png,y.gif

Above images License

copyright   Copyright (c) 2010-2012, Tenman
License: GNU General Public License v2.0
License URI:

This themes contents is especially the thing without clear statement of a license
supply under below license.

copyright   Copyright (c) 2010-2012, Tenman
License: GNU General Public License v2.0
License URI:


ver 0.980
    functions.php line:20
        $raindrops_actions_hook_message = false;
        WP_DEBUG need true.
        and When value change true then show action_hook point and message.
        You can customize the Raindrops very Easy.
        for front page template.
        You not need  PHP skills , WordPress template functions knowledge.
        Only y or '' settings, Please try.

ver 0.975
    Remove textarea theme options page for customize Automatic CSS edit.
    Original theme design another way, for example below.

//add lib/csscolor.css.php
//register new design name

//function name prefix 'raindrops_indv_css_' must need
function raindrops_indv_css_original(){
return $style;
    You can select theme customizer color type 'original'

//child theme using example
// child theme functions.php code example below

add_action( 'after_setup_theme', 'child_theme_setup',11 );

function child_theme_setup(){

    function raindrops_indv_css_original(){

    return $style;

var 0.965
    Add CSS lightbox for featured image ( Not support IE )
    Note: header image
        Old versions header image size was 950px 198px
        Theme 0.965 and WordPress ver 3.4 can your original size of header image.
        When fixed width
            Magin add and display center when upload image width smaller than document width
            Image width will fit to document width when upload image width bigger than document width
        When fluid width
            Regardless of the size of an upload image, it will be adjusted to document size.
ver 0.960
    Add CSS class columns
        When a setup of page width is set to fluid 100%, page width changes in the range of 480px to 1280px by default.
At this time, the length of the text of contents becomes long too much, and it becomes difficult to compose it.
When describing contents, when possible, column is automatically set up by describing the whole as follows.

    example(need html mode)
    on your post content or page content

    <div class="columns">
    your content here

ver 0.958
    Add simple view for mobile
    If you want show manuary
    Open functions.php
        Set $raindrops_fallback_human_interface_show = true
ver 0.948
    This function default no work.
    If you need delete post link
    Please open file functions.php and const SHOW_DELETE_POST_LINK value set true.
ver 0.940
By page edit and post edit,
the Color Type and the number of columns can be set to contribution.
Add a few codes when you edit post.
<!--[raindrops color_type="light" col="1"]-->
it makes display 1column page or post.
and raindrops color type is overwrite light.

And next You can add your own color type.
Please open functions.php
Add code example where must last line.


function raindrops_indv_css_my_css(){

$style = '/* Add CSS style rule*/ body{background:orange;

return $style;

and add the code when you edit post.
<!--[raindrops color_type="my_css" col="1"]-->

Custom Header
If you select Header Image where Appearance header panel
and Raindrops will show select image.
If you delete header Image and Raindrops hide a Header Image.
If you select Header Text 'display text' value 'yes'
and site description text shows on the Header Image.
select 'no' and description show page right top position.

Raindrops option 'Background image h2'
color type dark and minimal have this option.
If you need background image setting when open style.css
and last line comment out like this
.rd-type-w3standard .footer-widget h2,.rsidebar h2,.lsidebar h2,
.rd-type-light .footer-widget h2,.rsidebar h2,.lsidebar h2 {

Custom Background
If you want your original background. you can change every color type.

Featured Image will show Article above on single page.
loop page show icon each the_content left.

Category gallery and Cagory blog have Special Layout.

Upload header,footer image.
    Allow image type is png,jpeg,gif
    max upload size 2000000byte
    header or footer image max width 1300px
    upload files saved your uplload dir
    default header,footer image exists raindrops/images header.png footer.png

Be careful
    version 0.907 Reset all setting button initializes all customizing.
    MultiSite user must click the link when setting change where  with update result message.

Questions, bugs and others can be emailed me to



WordPress theme files