paololiveri / polibrush

PoliBrush is a freely distributed, stand-alone software designed for teaching exploratory multivariate analysis in the frame of color RGB and spectral imaging. PoliBrush implements principal component analysis (PCA) as its core method.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

polibrush: INSTRUCTIONS FOR INSTALLING "PoliBrush" (only for Windows operating systems):

  1. Download the .exe installer.

  2. Double click on the downloaded .exe file.

  3. Ignore warning messages by Windows and/or by Antivirus software (e.g., "Unidentified developer: launch anyway?"), and execute the installation procedure anyway.

  4. A message will notify that "Matlab Runtime" is required for correctly executing the software and will suggest downloading and installing it. Say: OK.

  5. The download/installation procedure will start. On some older PCs, the procedure might crash at the first attempt, with an error message. By resetting and restarting the procedure (from the step 2 of the present list), the procedure should be successfully completable.

  6. Once installed, PoliBrush can be executed by launching it directly from the program list or from the desktop (if the related link was created). The first launch might require some minutes, due to routine controls by Windows Antivirus software.


PoliBrush is a freely distributed, stand-alone software designed for teaching exploratory multivariate analysis in the frame of color RGB and spectral imaging. PoliBrush implements principal component analysis (PCA) as its core method.