pankeshpatel / DApp-MultiPage-Template

A project template for ethereum-based multi-pages DApp.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


A template for Ethereum-based DApp.

A directory layout

  • components -- common UI components of a web page such as header, footer
  • ethereum -- ethereum files
    • build -- compiled contracts
      • <contract-name>.json-- compiled contract of <contract-name>.sol
    • contracts -- solidity contracts
      • <contract-name>.sol -- solidity file of smart contract
    • <contract-name>.js --
    • compile.js -- compiles <contract-name>.sol file and generates <contract-name>.json file
    • deploy.js -- deploys the compiled contract onto Blockchain Network (e.g., Rinkeby)
    • factory.js -- It tells web3 that a deployed copy of the contract exists.
    • web3.js -- It configures web3 with a Blockchain network provider (in our case it is Rinkeby BC network) from metamask.
  • pages -- this directory contains react components that get turned into visitable webpages
    • index.js -- home page of application
  • test -- test cases of smart contract
    • <contract-name>.test.js-- test case of the <contract-name>
  • package.json -- project information and list require dependencies for the project
  • routes.js -- list the routes of the project
  • server.js -- boot up nextjs server and tells to use routes.js
  • -- readme file of the project
  • node_modules -- project dependencies


  • npm init to generate package.json file
  • npm install --save ganache-cli mocha solc@0.4.17 fs-extra web3@1.0.0-beta.35 to install dependencies
  • npm install --save truffle-hdwallet-provider@0.0.3 for deployment dependencies
  • npm install --save next@4.1.4 react react-dom for next.js dependencies
  • npm install --save semantic-ui-react for UI components
  • npm install --save semantic-ui-css for semantic UI stylesheet
  • npm install --save next-routes for routing

User guide

  • Step 1: write smart contract (.sol file) into Remix Editor
  • Step 2: copy paste the smart contract (.sol file) into a file of contracts directory.
  • Step 3: compile the contract using compile.js
  • Step 4: test the contract using a file of a test directory. The contract is deployed on local network ganache
  • Step 5: deploy the contract on a test network (e.g., Rinkeby).
  • Step 6: extract the address of the deployed contract from console.
  • Step 7: Copy the address into contract-address.txt file for future use.
  • Step 8: Create React components into pages directory.
  • Step 9 : configures web3 with a provider from metamask in web3.js
  • Step 10: update factory.js file with a deployed contract address (specified in contract-address.txt)
  • Step 11: Use factory instance in React components (in pages directory) to interact with a deployed contract

Source of images: "Ethereum and Solidity: The Complete Developer's Guide" by Stephen Grider

WebApp and Smart Contract Interaction

This is an example of how factory pattern can be used to deploy different instances of a smart contract.

Ethereum-based Web Application Architecture

Smart contract compilation using solidity compiler

Ethereum-based Web Application Architecture


Ethereum-based Web Application Architecture


next.js wraps react.js with some more functionalities such as routing, server-side rendering, hot module reload and so on.

Ethereum-based Web Application Architecture


this repository contains React components (as .js files) that get turned into visitable webpages. When installed .nextjs (from .next folder) starts, it see the react components into pages directory and turn each into routes (according to its directory path), as shown belowed.

Ethereum-based Web Application Architecture

web3 configuration (/ethereum/web3.js)

Configure web3 with a provider from a metamask.

Ethereum-based Web Application Architecture

next.js rendering at the server. It renders the pages and sends the HTML code to the browser first, then it sends javascript code to the browser.

Ethereum-based Web Application Architecture

web3 and contract (/ethereum/factory.js)

It tells that a deployed copy of the contract on Rinkeby network exists

Ethereum-based Web Application Architecture

nextjs page rendering at the server side

The nextjs server renders the HTML page and sends the HTML pages to the browser. getInitialProps() function is executed at nextjs server.

Ethereum-based Web Application Architecture

nextjs server (server.js) and routes.js

Ethereum-based Web Application Architecture