panchgonzalez / tf_object_detection_pruning

Model Pruning TensorFlow's Object Detection API

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Pruning Object Detection Models with TensorFlow

At the moment there is no official model pruning support for TensorFlow's 1.x Object Detection API. This repo attempts to solve this issue. A base example is setup for the InceptionV2-based FasterRCNN models.

This repo contains the full code for the blog post: Pruning Mask RCNN Models with TensorFlow


Clone repo with submodules

git clone --recurse-submodules
cd tf_object_detection_pruning

Apply patch to tensorflow.contrib.model_pruning library and compile

cd tensorflow

# Apply patch
git apply -v ../tf_model_pruning.patch

# Compile
bazel build tensorflow/contrib/model_pruning:strip_pruning_vars

Apply patch to models.research.object_detection and models.research.slim libraries that will allow us to prune InceptionV2 based MaskRCNN models

cd models

# Apply patch
git apply -v ../object_detection_pruning.patch

# Compile object detection protobufs
pushd research
protoc object_detection/protos/*.proto --python_out=.

# Install object detection
pip install .

# Install slim
pushd research/slim
pip install .

# Compiling and installing cocoapi
cd ../cocoapi
python build_ext --inplace
python install
cp -r pycocotools ../models/research

Train with Model Pruning

To train with model pruning turned on pass the following flags to

  • --sparsity: target sparsity level
  • --pruning_start_step: start pruning at this training step
  • --pruning_start_step: stop pruning at this training step
python ${OBJECT_DETECTION_PATH}/object_detection/ \
    --pipeline_config_path=${PIPELINE_CONFIG_PATH} \
    --model_dir=${MODEL_DIR} \
    --sample_1_of_n_eval_examples=$SAMPLE_1_OF_N_EVAL_EXAMPLES \
    --alsologtostderrcd ../ \
    --throttle_secs=2100 \
    --sparsity=0.85 \
    --pruning_start_step=100000 \

During training you can check the overall sparsity in tensorboard

Known issues:

It seems that training with TF 1.15 returns the following runtime error

RuntimeError: Init operations did not make model ready for local_init. Init op: group_deps, init fn: None, error: Variables not initialized: model_pruning/last_mask_update_step

This is fixed by downgrading to TF 1.14. Thanks to @anshkumar for pointing this out.


Michael Zhu and Suyog Gupta, “To prune, or not to prune: exploring the efficacy of pruning for model compression”, 2017 NIPS Workshop on Machine Learning of Phones and other Consumer Devices (


Model Pruning TensorFlow's Object Detection API