pallas42 / org-books

Reading list management with org mode

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Reading list management using org-mode. A sample list lives on my wiki here.



org-books is available on melpa.

;; Set path to the reading list org file
(setq org-books-file "~/")

;; A basic template file can be generated using the function `org-books-create-file'.
  • To add books manually, use org-books-add-book function. To add from urls, call org-books-add-url (or use org-books-cliplink if url is in clipboard).
  • To give ratings, go to the entry and call org-books-rate-book.
  • While filing a book, org-books-file-depth tells which headings are to be considered as a category (like fiction or something).
  • org-books-add-to-top (default t) tells whether to add the book at the top or bottom under the selected heading.

Adding new source

A source for books provide a details function that takes certain input (like a url in case of amazon) and returns a list of title, author and props. props is an alist which gets added to the entry as org properties. Here is the output from amazon’s:

(print (org-books-get-details-amazon ""))
("Algebra: Chapter 0 (Graduate Studies in Mathematics)" "Paolo Aluffi" (("AMAZON" . "")))

With the details function defined, you need to write the url pattern it accepts and add it to the variable org-books-url-pattern-dispatches. Check variable’s docstring for more details.

As of now there are the following sources:

  • Manual (input: title, author etc.)
  • Amazon (input: url)
  • Goodreads (input: url)
  • Openlibrary (input: url)
  • ISBN (input: ISBN, dispatches openlibrary url source)

Using org-capture

For a more flexible setup, you might just want to use org-capture, possibly with a little help from functions present in this package. Directly using capture gives you much more flexibility over the structure and organization of entries. Here we describe a few capture templates that can be used:

Manual entry

(setq org-capture-templates
      '(("b" "Book" entry (file "")
         "* %^{TITLE}\n:PROPERTIES:\n:ADDED: %<[%Y-%02m-%02d]>\n:END:%^{AUTHOR}p\n%?" :empty-lines 1)))

Using url from clipboard

(setq org-capture-templates
      '(("b" "Book" entry (file "")
         "%(let* ((url (substring-no-properties (current-kill 0)))
                  (details (org-books-get-details url)))
             (when details (apply #'org-books-format 1 details)))")))


Reading list management with org mode

License:GNU General Public License v3.0


Language:Emacs Lisp 100.0%