palanik1 / opened_transformation

OPENED eBPF Hook Point Transformation Tool

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


OPENED Transformation Tool LPC 2022 blurb describing the goal of the tool and an initial prototype is here:

Works for Ubuntu 20.04 and Linux kernel 5.4.0-131

How to Download?

git clone --recurse-submodules

How to Build?

docker build . -t opened/transform:0.01

How to Install?

docker run -it --mount type=bind,src=[host_dir],dst=/root/op opened/transform:0.01

How to verify equivalence of XDP and TC code

Running verifier

Run The script performs the following steps

  1. Sets up two network namespaces on the host
  2. Runs a python server in ns2 and scapy based python client in ns1
  3. Attaches XDP code to veth2 and runs tcpdump on veth2, capturing output in recv-xdp.pcap
  4. Repeats steps 1 and 2 above and attaches TC code to veth2, capturing tcpdump output in recv-tc.pcap
  5. Finally, the script runs a pcap-diff utility to check if packets captured in both pcap files are same or not. If there is any difference, the script raises an alert.


OPENED eBPF Hook Point Transformation Tool

License:Apache License 2.0


Language:Roff 47.3%Language:Python 27.0%Language:TXL 13.6%Language:Shell 7.8%Language:Dockerfile 1.7%Language:C 1.5%Language:SmPL 1.1%