pakozm / siber-sky-ebusd

Files and instructions to manage Siber Sky MFV using eBUS protocol

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Siber SKY eBUS

This project contains files and instructions to manage Siber Sky MFV using eBUS protocol. First of all, this proposal is composed of four principal components.

  1. A hardware device that reads and writes on the eBUS.
  2. A raspberry pi executing ebusd daemon configured to read and write Siber commands.
  3. A MQTT broker that will receive ebusd messages.
  4. A domotic control software that will consume ebusd MQTT messages and will add automation and monitoring.

This recipe will discuss about (1) and (2) assuming knowledge about eBUS and how it can be configured. So, in order to start, it is important to read some documentation first:

WARNING!!! All the information contained in this project comes without any warranty, it is not covered by Siber official documentation, and not officially supported by anyone.


First of all, it is important to notice that Siber Sky 2 machines are connected to their control panel via eBUS protocol using just a 2-wire connection. You will find in the link information about how the machine is connected to the control (MANUAL CONEXIÓN MANDO).

It is possible to connect in parallel to the Siber control another eBUS device that will allow us to read/write commands into the bus. I have used this one:

Which could be quite slow, but works well for me. It can be connected in parallel with the control panel of Siber. The connection with the USB coupler requires a device, in my case a raspberry pi, that will connect via USB to the coupler.


To make everything work, you need to install ebusd in the raspberry pi. In my case, the ebusd daemon is executed as:

/usr/bin/ebusd --enablehex -c /home/siber/configs -p 8888 -l /var/log/ebusd.log --mqtthost --mqttport 1883 --mqttqos 2

In order to achieve that execution line, it is necessary to copy in /etc/default/ebusd the following content:

# /etc/default/ebusd:
# config file for ebusd service.

# Options to pass to ebusd (run "ebusd -?" for more info):
EBUSD_OPTS="--enablehex -c /home/siber/configs -p 8888 -l /var/log/ebusd.log --mqtthost --mqttport 1883 --mqttqos 2"

# In order to run multiple ebusd instances on a SysV enabled system, simply
# define several EBUSD_OPTS with a unique suffix for each. Recommended is to
# use a number as suffix for all EBUSD_OPTS settings. That number will then be
# taken as additional "instance" parameter to the init.d script in order to
# start/stop an individual ebusd instance instead of all instances.
# Example: (uncomment the EBUSD_OPTS above)
#EBUSD_OPTS1="--scanconfig -d /dev/serial/by-id/usb-FTDI_FT232R_USB_UART_A50285BI-if00-port0 -p 8888 -l /var/log/ebusd1.log"
#EBUSD_OPTS2="--scanconfig -d /dev/serial/by-id/usb-FTDI_FT232R_USB_UART_A900acTF-if00-port0 -p 8889 -l /var/log/ebusd2.log"
#EBUSD_OPTS3="--scanconfig -d /dev/serial/by-id/usb-FTDI_FT232R_USB_UART_A900beCG-if00-port0 -p 8890 -l /var/log/ebusd3.log"

# In order to run muiltiple ebusd instances on a systemd enabled system, just
# copy the /lib/systemd/system/ebusd.service file to /etc/systemd/system/
# with a different name (e.g. ebusd-2.service), remove the line starting with
# 'EnvironmentFile=', and replace the '$EBUSD_OPTS' with the options for that
# particular ebusd instance.

And in /home/siber/configs there is the 3c.siber.csv file as it is in this project configs directory. Once the ebusd and the MQTT server are ready, it can be restarted so it can take into account the content of the 3c.siber.csv file. Once everything is running, you should be able to subscribe to ebusd MQTT messages:

$ mosquitto_sub -h localhost -v -t 'ebusd/#'
ebusd/global/version ebusd 22.3.p20220508
ebusd/global/running true
ebusd/global/signal true
ebusd/global/updatecheck version 22.4 available
ebusd/Siber/indoor_temperature/get (null)
ebusd/Siber/outdoor_temperature/get (null)
ebusd/Siber/supply_flow/get (null)
ebusd/Siber/exhaust_flow/get (null)
ebusd/Siber/supply_pressure/get (null)
ebusd/Siber/exhaust_pressure/get (null)
ebusd/Siber/flow_imbalance/get (null)
ebusd/Siber/air_flow_level_1/get (null)
ebusd/Siber/bypass_status/get (null)
ebusd/Siber/indoor_temperature 21.1
ebusd/Siber/outdoor_temperature 10.3
ebusd/Siber/supply_flow 90
ebusd/Siber/exhaust_flow 90
ebusd/Siber/supply_pressure 110.0
ebusd/Siber/exhaust_pressure 70.0
ebusd/Siber/flow_imbalance 0;-50;50;1;0
ebusd/Siber/air_flow_level_1 90;50;200;5;100
ebusd/Siber/bypass_status CLOSED
ebusd/global/uptime 11667419
ebusd/Siber/indoor_temperature 21.1
ebusd/Siber/outdoor_temperature 10.3
ebusd/Siber/supply_flow 90
ebusd/Siber/exhaust_flow 90
ebusd/Siber/bypass_status CLOSED
ebusd/Siber/supply_pressure 110.0
ebusd/Siber/exhaust_pressure 70.0
ebusd/Siber/air_flow_level_1 90;50;200;5;100
ebusd/Siber/flow_imbalance 0;-50;50;1;0

Adding the MQTT messages to a domotic control as OpenHAB (I'm using it) or Home Assistant should be easy. Even more, ebusd has an integration with Home Assistant, which I do not know. In OpenHAB there is another integration of ebusd, but I prefered to use the MQTT messages instead of the integration.

There is just one major drawback. The Siber control panel writes periodically the fan_operation level (MOISTURE, NORMAL, HIGH, INTENSE), and so, any attempt to change the fan_operation will eventually be override by the Siber control. However, it can be overcome easily just by using only one fan_operation (NORMAL) in the Siber control and changing directly the airflow_1.


Fan Operation

As it was mentioned above, I needed to add fan operation levels that, instead of operating the fan just operate the airflow_1 which corresponds to the fan level I have running in the Siber Control panel. So, my fan levels are different flows I have configured inside OpenHAB.

Bath Humidity

When the humidity in the bathroom increases a lot, it is likely because someone is having a bath. In that case, the air flow is increased to avoid moisture in the bathroom. Once the humidity is reduced and returns to normal values, the air flow returns to its previous position.

Summer Ventilation

When in summer over night the bypass is open, and there is a chance for supplying cold air, the air flow increases over night to take advantage of the situation and cool the house by a small price.


When the kitchen is being used, and the air extractor running, an imbalance between supply and exhaust is introduced, so there is more supplied air than exhausted. This way, the extractor seem to work better.


Files and instructions to manage Siber Sky MFV using eBUS protocol

License:MIT License